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发表于 2005-6-16 17:15:22 | 显示全部楼层
插句话,央视论坛的MJ专题贴已开锁了! http://bbs.cctv.com.cn/forumtopic.jsp?id=6032147
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-6-16 18:07:19 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by nofacetou at 2005-6-16 02:44 PM: 好,我接下了哦(正在看的说) 翻译完了是直接发帖吗?
好好的nofacetou! :se 能否给我发封邮件: mkgenie@163.com 简介一下自己?








 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-16 20:42:06 | 显示全部楼层
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) SNEDDON: We believed in the child. We believed in the case and we believed that there was sufficient corroboration for what the children said occurred. 我们相信孩子的话。我们相信这个案子。我们有足够的证据证明孩子的话。 (END VIDEO CLIP) KING: I guess, Tom Mesereau, the jury didn't agree? 我想,Tom, 陪审团可不那么认为。 MESEREAU: They certainly didn't. 显然。 Michael Jackson was acquitted of every felony count and every misdemeanor count. Michael Jackson的所有指控全部被宣判无罪,无论轻罪还是重罪。 It was a clean sweep. 在清楚不过了。 KING: Did you expect any -- did you have any worries about some of the misdemeanor counts? 你曾经对轻罪指控担心过么? MESEREAU: I really didn't, because to convict him of any of the misdemeanor counts, you had to believe the accuser beyond a reasonable doubt. 我真的没有担心过,因为任何证明轻罪的前提都是,你必须超越合理怀疑的相信原告。 And that was not going to happen, in my opinion. 在我看来这本身就不成立。 KING: So, even as small a thing as serving liquor without any intention for sex was turned down as well by the jury? 所以就连单纯提供酒精这种轻罪陪审团也不会接受? MESEREAU: They were completely turned down by the jury. They did not believe these accusers. They did not believe any of these -- this family's testimony on any significant level. 陪审团已经不再相信原告了。他们已经不能在任何程度上信任原告家庭。 KING: Would you like cameras in the courtroom? 你觉得法庭内设置录像机好么? MESEREAU: You know, I have mixed feelings about it. I'm glad there were not cameras in this particular courtroom. 我对此感情复杂。在这个特殊案件中,我情愿没有摄像。 I think it would have created more of a circus-type environment than existed outside the courtroom, already. I like the idea of the public seeing what goes on in courts, because we're supposed to conduct public trials. 法庭外的情况已经够马戏团化了,摄像只会使情况更糟。撇开这点来看,我本人是喜欢审判公开化的。 But I think given the media's repeated attempts to make a circus- liken environment out of criminal trials, I'm beginning to change my opinion of that, and maybe they don't belong in courtrooms. 但是鉴于媒体不断重复对刑事案件的马戏团搬的报道,我已经有点动摇了,也许他们并不属于法庭这个领域。 KING: Do you like gag orders? 对禁声令怎么看? MESEREAU: I don't particularly like them. I think in this case, it worked very well. I think the temptation among lawyers and prosecutors to become movie stars, and essentially promote themselves on camera is something that's got to be avoided, if we're going to have justice in our criminal justice system. 不太喜欢。虽然在这个案件中,它起到了好作用。我想那种可以让律师或者检察官成为电影明星的诱惑,会促使他们出现在摄像机前,难以避免。 KING: Mr. Mark Geragos a good witness for you? Mark Geragos是个好证人么? MESEREAU: He was an excellent witness. 绝佳的证人。 He was a very, very honest witness. He really spoke for his client. He explained, very simply and very carefully and honestly, what he had done to surveil this family because of his suspicions. And he really did go to bat for his client. 一个诚实的证人。他为客户说话。监视这家人是基于他的怀疑,对这点他解释的很简洁,很小心也很诚实。他确实帮了他的客户一把。 KING: There were some Jackson supporters concerned over the fact there was no black on the jury -- composite of that community, of course. 有些Jackson的支持者,对陪审团的组成很有意见,因为没有黑人。 There was a black alternate. 只在候补陪审员中有一个黑人。 Were you concerned about the race issue? 你担心种族问题么? MESEREAU: Well, certainly Michael Jackson is part of a very prominent African-American family and initially, we did hope there would be some African-American representation on the jury. 显然 Michael Jackson 是个杰出的非裔美国人家庭的一份子,我们也确实希望陪审团中有非裔美国人。 But once the jury was picked, I always had a good feeling about this jury. I always felt they were very independent-minded. Nobody was going to intimidate them. They were going to take their job very seriously and be very fair. 然而,陪审团一产生,我就对这个陪审团感觉不错。我一直觉得他们思想独立。没有人能胁迫他们。他们能够严肃公正的完成使命。 And I was correct. 事实证明我是正确的。 KING: Do you like jurors who take notes? 你对陪审团作笔记这点怎么看? MESEREAU: I don't know how to answer that, Larry. 我不知道该怎么说。 I think note-taking is an indication that someone is paying attention and very concerned about their job. But on the other hand, you can also be paying attention and absorbing what's going on without taking notes. 做笔记显示了他们很关注自己的工作。但另一方面,你也可以不做笔记,同时可以关注和吸收现场的情况。 So, I don't really know how to answer that question. 所以,这不好说。 KING: All right. 好的。 When the jury asked a couple of questions of the judge, they were not revealed to the press or the public. 在商议的过程中,陪审团向法官提出了一些问题,这些问题未被公布。 Were you concerned about any of that? Anything you can tell us about what they asked? 你关注这些问题么?可以跟我们说说这些问题是什么么? MESEREAU: You know, I really don't want to reveal that. 你知道,我不能说。 I don't know if Judge Melville has unsealed those questions, or not. 因为我还不知道法官是否密封了这些问题。 So, at this point, I'd rather not discuss that. 所以我们最好还是不要讨论这点。 KING: Were you concerned by any of them, without telling us what they were? 就算不说具体内容,你觉得这些问题让你担心么? MESEREAU: I was not concerned. I was actually encouraged by them. 不担心,反而这些问题给我打了气。 KING: So, when you heard the question, that furthered your confidence? 听到问题,你发而更自信了? MESEREAU: Yes, it did. 是的。 KING: How well did the judge do? 法官表现如何? MESEREAU: The judge was an outstanding jurist. 非常杰出的法官。 I think all judges in America should learn a lesson from the way Judge Melville conducted this trial. 我觉得全美国的法官都应该从Melville处理这个案件中学到一课。 He was determined, from day one, that this was not going to get out of control. He was determined that justice was going to be done in and outside that courtroom. 从第一天他就掌控全局。他保证了法庭内外的公正。 He employed some very creative procedures to make sure that order was kept throughout the trial. He did a masterful job and I have total respect for Judge Melville and his wonderful staff. 在审讯期间,他建立了很有创造性的程序,以保证法令被完好执行。他干的非常好,我对此充满敬意。 KING: Even though he got mad at you a few times? 就算他在这过程中对你发了几次脾气? MESEREAU: Yes, he did, but he got mad at the prosecution, also. 是啊,他也对检方发了脾气。 He was very fair-minded. 他是个很公正的人。 KING: That's all you want, right? balance and fair? 你要的也就是这样了,公平公正。 MESEREAU: That's, I think, the most we can expect, and we had it with Judge Melville. He's an outstanding judge. 是的,法官给了我们最好的结果。非常卓越的法官。 KING: We'll be right back with more a Thomas Mesereau. We'll be including your phone calls on this edition of LARRY KING LIVE. Don't go away. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... The mother, when she looked at me and snapped her fingers a few times, and she says, "You know how our culture is," and winks at me. I thought, "No, that's not the way our culture is." UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: As a mother to -- the values and stuff that she has taught them and they've learned -- and that is really hard for me to comprehend, you know, because I wouldn't want any of my children to lie for their own gain. (END VIDEO CLIP) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) KING: We're back with Thomas Mesereau. We certainly thank him for giving us this time tonight, exclusively. Let's take a few calls. Tulsa, Oklahoma, for the victorious defense attorney. Hello. 我们来接听几个电话,首先从俄克拉菏马州的塔尔萨打来的。 CALLER: Hi. Um, Mr -- hi, Larry. KING: Hi. CALLER: Mr. Mesereau, do you have any idea when Michael might make a statement? Mesereau先生,你知道Michael什么时候会发表声明么? MESEREAU: You know, I really don't. I have not talked to him about that. Michael is going to have to go through a period of physical recovery. He's exhausted. He was not sleeping. He was not eating. It was a very, very traumatic experience for him and it's going to take a while for him to recover. I don't anticipate his making a statement very soon, but I suppose it's possible. But I have not discussed it with him. 我不知道。我没有跟他谈过这个。Michael 需要一段时间做身体恢复。他精疲力尽了。没得睡,没得吃。对他来说这是个重创,他需要时间恢复。我不认为他会在近期发表声明,只是有可能性。我没有和他讨论过。 KING: You then would not recommend any immediate in-depth interview? 你也不赞同近期之内的深度访问? MESEREAU: I really would not. I think Michael needs to spend time with his children and his family. He needs to savor his victory. He's a very, very grateful, very spiritual person. I think he would like to be left alone, and would like to heal and mend and move forward. 不推荐。我想Michael需要花时间和孩子家人在一起。他需要享受胜利的滋味。他是个非常非常感恩的,非常有灵性的人。我想他宁愿一个人,自我治疗,改善,然后前进。 KING: They all took off in their cars back to Neverland. Where did you go right after the verdict? 裁决出来,他们都会Neverland了,你去哪里了呢? MESEREAU: After the verdict, we went to see Judge Melville and his staff to thank them for their very professional behavior towards all of us and then we went to Neverland as well. 我和法官见面,感谢了他和他的同僚,然后我们也去了Neverland.








 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-16 20:43:49 | 显示全部楼层
KING: Indiana, Pennsylvania, hello. 宾夕法尼亚州 CALLER: Hello. My hats off to you, Larry, for your fairness during this thing and to you, Mr. Mesereau. My question is, the media has branded Michael Jackson as a freak and pedophile. How can he recover as the consummate talent he is? 对你致敬Larry,为你在此过程中一如既往的公正态度。Mesereau先生我的问题是,媒体一直把Michael Jackson描述成一个怪人和恋童癖者,你认为他该如何恢复他应有的天才形象? KING: Good question. 很好的问题。 MESEREAU: Well, I think he can recover because Michael is a very resilient person. Yes, he has been a target for many years. He's been maligned. He's been scandalized, but he's also one of the world's greatest artists and one of the world's greatest talents and also one of the world's greatest humanitarians and Michael has all the tools and the skills and the support to recover and go forward and do very well. 我想他能够回归,因为Michael是个恢复力很强的人。没错,这么多年来他都是个靶子。不断的被诽谤被反感,然而同时它也是这个世界上最伟大的艺术家,最伟大的天才,最伟大的人道主义者,拥有这些头衔和能力,他一定能很好的恢复并且前进。 KING: Do you expect him to return to the stage? 你期待他重回舞台么? MESEREAU: Larry, I'm not an expert on the music industry or the entertainment business, but I know Michael is an artist. He's a creative soul. You can't stifle his creativity and I would not be surprised if he makes a rebound and does it very effectively. Larry,音乐和表演方面我可不是专家,我只知道Michael是个艺术家,拥有创造性的灵魂。你无法抑制他的创造能力,如果他回归了,我一点儿也不惊讶。 KING: Was the family easy to deal with for you? They're such a tight-knit group. 他的家庭好相处么? 他们可是个紧密的团体。 MESEREAU: The family was lovely to deal with. They're very, very wonderful people. They were all very supportive of Michael. There were a lot of rumors about dissension that were not true. They were a joy to deal with, a very lovely family. 和这个家庭相处很愉快,他们是群非常棒的人。对Michael非常支持。有谣言说什么内部不合,完全是错误的。他们是个很有趣可爱的家庭。 KING: What happened to Raymone Bain? Raymone Bain的事情是怎么回事? MESEREAU: Well, you know, I worked with Raymone for many months. We worked very effectively together. We had a few differences towards the end, but that happens in big cases, but I have a lot of respect for Raymone, and always enjoyed seeing her and working with her. 你知道,我和Raymone一起工作了几个月。我们的合作很有效率。但是,在事情最后,我们产生了分歧,大事件中这种情况经常发生。我对她依然抱有敬意,也愿意再和她见面并且一起工作。 KING: Why let her out that late in the case, though? 她出局的具体原因是什么呢? MESEREAU: You know, there's some confidential reasons why we had some differences at the end, but they're really insignificant. The fact of the matter is we were a team and we won and she did a very fine job. 我们的分歧是机密性的,不过这都不重要了。事实是,我们是一个团队,而且最终取得了胜利,她也干的很棒。 KING: There's the famous tape of you apparently having an argument with, I guess, Brian Oxman and there was strong -- of course, correspondents went nuts with that tumult in the Jackson defense. What was that about? 那张著名的照片是怎么回事?你和Brian Oxman怎么了?媒体对此很狂热啊。 MESEREAU: I'm not going to talk about that, Larry. I think that's a matter of confidence. Brian was a very hard worker. He has known the Jacksons for a long time. He has given them very effective representation in many areas. We had differences. It happens in big cases when the stakes are high. 我不想谈论这个。我想这根信心有关。Brian 工作很卖力。他和Jackson家族认识很久了,也在很多方面给了他们很多帮助。我们有分歧,这在高风险的大案子中是很普遍的。 KING: None of our business? 我们不能过问? MESEREAU: That's correct. 是的。 KING: You have said that Michael was a victim of bad advice in the past, that settling past molestation claims led to greed begetting greed. Are you saying he shouldn't have settled anything? 你说过Michael是过去错误决定的受害者,从前猥亵官司的了结方式使得,贪婪招致贪婪。你认为Michael根本不应该妥协么? MESEREAU: That's correct. I think, looking backwards -- you know, we can all be Monday-morning quarterbacks in life and change things we've done, but I think if Michael could go back, he would never have settled those cases. He would've fought them to the end and the message would have got out, don't make false claims against Michael Jackson or you're going to trial. 不应该。回头看,我们可以被称作放马后炮,不过,我想如果让Michael重新来过,他绝对不会妥协。他会战斗到最后,给出所有人明确的信息,别想对Michael Jackson做出错误指控,不然你只会走上审判这条路。 KING: Oxman still represents -- he told Paula Zahn -- he still represents the family, right? Oxman依然代表着家族,是么? MESEREAU: That's my understanding. I have not talked to Brian since he left the defense team. 就我的理解,是的。自从他离开,我们没有交谈过。 KING: Are you concerned there might be civil suits against Michael after this? Or does this wash that out? 你担心这以后还会有针对Michael的民事诉讼么?还是彻底洗清了? MESEREAU: Well, I think it would be crazy to file a civil suit against Michael, given what happened in this trial. It's always possible. But, if it's done, he will fight it until the end and he will win. 经过这个审判还有民事诉讼那就是疯了。不过,可能性总是有的,如果发生了,他同样会战斗到最后赢得胜利。 KING: His ex-wife, Debbie Rowe, was called by the state. She appeared to help the defense. Do you agree? 他的前妻Debbie Rowe是检方证人,看起来她倒是帮了辨方?你同意么? MESEREAU: Yes, I do. She helped us a lot. 是的,帮了我们不少。 KING: Why, then, was she called? 那为什么她还是被传唤了? MESEREAU: You'll have to ask the prosecutors about that. They wined and dined her at a local restaurant the night before. From what I understand, a lot of pressure was put on her to say what they wanted her to say. When she got on the witness stand, she told the truth and she explained who Michael was and was very effective for us. 这你得问检方。他们在前一晚还和她在当地饭店吃饭呢。据我所知,他们给她施加了很多压力,希望她说他们想要的。当她站上证人席,她说出了事实,也揭示了Michael的为人,对我们很有帮助。 KING: Anyone you called you regretted? 有证人你失望么? MESEREAU: Not really, Larry. You know, there were a couple of witnesses that didn't pan out exactly as we had hoped, but we did pretty well. We put on a very strong defense after, I think very effectively cross-examining their witnesses. So, we had an extraordinarily large number of good days in this trial. 没什么。你知道,有些证人没有完全达到我们的期望,也算作的不错。我们辩护很有力,尤其在对他们的证人的盘诘方面。所以,我们有不少特别的好日子。 KING: Sometimes defendants are a very important part of their case, sometimes not. Was Michael very involved in the defense? 有时候被告在案件中的角色很重要。Michael积极参与辩护工作么? MESEREAU: Yes, he was, but Michael is an artist. He's a musician. He's not a criminal defense lawyer and he was very willing to listen and to do what he was advised was the correct thing, and he was actually a joy to work with. 是的,他有参与,不过他是个艺术家,音乐家,不是刑事辩护律师。他很乐于倾听,也愿意去完成我们建议的对的事情,和他合作很愉快。 KING: So, in other words, if you had told him, Michael, I think you should take the stand, he would have? 就是说,如果你建议,Michael你应该出庭作证,他也会做? MESEREAU: He absolutely would have. In fact, he expected to. 他绝对会做,事实上,他也很期待去做。 KING: We'll be back with more, and more phone calls for Thomas Mesereau on this edition of LARRY KING LIVE. Don't go away. 更多电话,稍候回来。








 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-16 20:44:33 | 显示全部楼层
(COMMERCIAL BREAK) KING: We're back with Thomas Mesereau. Let's take another call. Glenolden, Pennsylvania, hello. 来自宾夕法尼亚州,你好 CALLER: Hello, Larry. I'd like to ask Mr. Mesereau if there's a possibility that a malicious prosecution case be filed against the D.A.'s office of Santa Barbara and Mr. Tom Sneddon? 我想请问,有没有可能会对检举人办公室和Tom Sneddon提起恶意检举的诉讼? MESEREAU: I think it would be warranted but I have not discussed it with Michael Jackson. We just got the verdict, you know, recently. He's now recovering. Nobody has really discussed that issue. But if you ask me... 我想提起诉讼是正当的,只是我还没有和Michael Jackson商量过。我们刚得到裁决不久。他需要时间恢复。没人谈论过这件事,不过如果你问我... KING: But you think it was malicious? 你认为这是恶意检举? MESEREAU: I do. I think that he was treated in a way that no one else would've been similarly treated. It was because he was a mega-celebrity. Why 70 sheriffs searching Neverland Ranch, based upon what this accuser and his family said, before they'd even investigated the background of the accuser and his family? 是的。我认为对Michael的处理方式,和对平常人相似情况下完全不同。只是因为他是个超级巨星。70个治安官搜寻了庄园,就因为原告家庭简单的几句话?他们还没有调查原告家庭和背景。 KING: So, you're saying, if he wanted to, he could bring a malicious prosecution suit, and be successful? 你的意思是,如果他愿意就可以提起恶意检举的诉讼,也会赢? MESEREAU: I don't -- I'm not going to say right now what the merits or demerits of the suit would be. That would have to be explored. But do I think this was done maliciously and unfairly? Absolutely. 我不想评论提起诉讼的优缺点,这得深究。但是我确实觉得检举是怀有敌意的,不公正的。绝对是这样。 KING: You had a tragedy happen to you during this trial. Your sister died of lung cancer, right? 在审判中你也经历了灾难,姐姐去世于肺癌,是么? MESEREAU: That's correct. 是的。 KING: How did that affect this whole thing for you, I mean, emotionally? 情感上,这有什么影响么? MESEREAU: Well, it was very difficult emotionally. It happened right as the trial was beginning. Judge Melville gave me some time to handle the funeral and all the things related to that. It was very difficult, but I will say that one of her last messages to me was that she thought we were going to win. And I thought about her throughout the trial, yes. 很难受。这发生在审判刚开始,法官给我时间准备葬礼和相关事宜,很艰难,不过,她最后留给我的话是,她觉得我们会胜利。审判中,我一直想着她。 KING: How old was she? 她多大年纪? MESEREAU: She was 53. 53。 KING: She smoked? 吸烟? MESEREAU: Yes, she did. She smoked from the time she was 13, and, unfortunately, it took a toll. 是的,从13岁开始,总是要还的。 KING: Was Michael compassionate about that death? Michael对此表示了同情么? MESEREAU: Michael was not only compassionate; he sent her the most beautiful, the largest bouquet of flowers you've ever seen. He wrote a little poem for her. It came from he and his children. And it was one of the most meaningful and most wonderful things that he could have done for her during her final days. 不止是表示了同情。他给她送去了最美丽的,你能想象到的最大的花束。他还为她写了诗,是Michael和他的孩子一起写的。在她最后的日子里,这是Michael所能做到的最好的最有意义的事情了。 KING: How does he interact with his kids? 他和孩子如何交流呢? MESEREAU: Beautifully. He loves his children. They love him. He spends a lot of time with them. He is a loving, doting, caring father. And his children just adore him. 非常美好。他爱孩子,孩子们也爱他。他花很多时间陪孩子。是个溺爱的,细心的父亲。孩子们也很崇拜他。 KING: Are they well mannered? 孩子们很有教养么? MESEREAU: Yes, they are. They're wonderful children. I was with them yesterday. 是的,非常好的孩子。昨天我还和他们在一起。 KING: When you were doing your pre-trial questioning of Michael, when you have to get into a lot of subjects that are not everyday table conversation, was that hard? When you have to ask your own client, did you do this to this boy? 当你和Michael做审前准备的时候,谈论一些话题的时候困难么?比如,问你得客户,你和那男孩到底是怎样? MESEREAU: I'm not going to go into the questions I asked Michael; they're privileged and confidential. 我不打算谈论我问Michaele的问题,问题是机密的。 KING: Of course, but were they difficult for you? 当然,但问这些问题困难么? MESEREAU: Frankly, no, because the more I got to know Michael Jackson and the more ridiculous I realized these charges were, and the more of a gentle, charitable, kind-hearted, decent person he is, the less difficulty there was. I mean, he always was a very straightforward, honest, down-to-Earth person to deal with. And the Michael Jackson that I know doesn't even come close to the Michael Jackson they tried to portray. 坦白说,不,当我越认识到Michael Jackson是怎样的人,我就越觉得指控荒谬,越是发现到他的文雅,仁慈,热心,正派,就越不会感到困难。他一直是个很坦率,诚信,实在的人。我认识的Michael Jackson 和他们所描述的Michael Jackson 完全不沾边。 KING: And when you asked... 所以当你问... MESEREAU: So he was an easy person to deal with. 他很容易相处。 KING: And when you asked him questions, he answered you directly? 你问他问题,他会直接回答? MESEREAU: Of course he did. He's very honest and he's very down-to-Earth. If you look at the few interviews he has done, you see a very, very simple, down-to-Earth person who is very honest about who he is, honest about his loneliness, honest about his childhood. He is a very, very decent, kind person and easy to deal with. 当然,他很诚实,很实在。如果你看上几个他的访问,你会发现他是一个很单纯,实在的人,非常诚实,对自己的孤独感很诚实,对自己的童年很诚实。他是个非常非常正派,和善,容易相处的人。 KING: And trusting? 信任他人? MESEREAU: Too trusting. That's been his downfall. He has trusted the wrong people. He has felt sorry for the wrong people. He has tried to heal the wrong people. And they have turned on him and tried to take advantage of him through the legal system. 太容易信赖他人了。这都成了他的弱点。他相信了不该信的人。他为不值得相信的人难过,还去帮助他们。最后那些人背叛他,还想通过法律系统占他的便宜。 KING: Will he be tougher? 他得到教训了么? MESEREAU: Yes, he will. We've already had a talk about that. He will, for sure. This was a horrible experience for him, and he's not going to allow people to just run wild through his home, and -- because he feels sorry for them and wants to take care of them and wants to heal them. He has to get much firmer and he will. 是的,我们谈论过这点。他会注意的。对他来说这是个可怕的经验,他不会随便让人在自己家里发疯了,就因为他为他们难过,想要帮助他们。他必须也将会变得强硬。 KING: You said earlier, you let him be him. You didn't tell him what to wear or anything, but the pajama incident that got a lot of press, did that bother you? 之前你说,你让他做自己,不管他如何着装或者其他的事情,不过,睡裤时间吸引了不是注意,这让你困扰么? MESEREAU: Well, but that was not something anybody planned. He had to go to the hospital. He expected to be there for a short period of time. Judge Melville took a very firm position, which he had the right to do, and said, get him here quickly or he was going to issue a bench warrant. So Michael had to run right from the hospital to the courthouse. He complied with Judge Melville's order. That was not something anybody planned or wanted. It just happened. 那是计划外事件。他必须去医院。他预计要花一段时间。法官十分强硬,那是法官的职责,发出了法令。所以Michael直接从医院赶到法庭。他是在履行法官的法令。不是事先计划好的,是自然发生的。 KING: You think it was much ado about nothing? 所以只是慌乱造成的? (CROSSTALK) MESEREAU: I agree. Absolutely. 就是这样。 KING: So, therefore, you didn't deal with you telling him how to act in court? Sit up, sit this way, do this, do that, wear this, wear that? 所以你并没有知道他在法庭该怎么办?怎么座?这样那样?穿什么之类? MESEREAU: No. I wanted Michael Jackson to be who Michael Jackson is. And you know, jurors are smart. They're intuitive. They're instinctive. They know what they're being asked to do to somebody at the counsel table. And you don't want to have your client to do something that is phony or unrealistic. I wanted Michael Jackson to be exactly who he was and is, and be proud of it, and that's what he did. There was nothing phony about our side of the table. There was a lot that was phony about the prosecution's side of the table. 没有,我希望Michael Jackson 就是Michael Jackson 。你知道,陪审团是很聪明的。他们有自己的直觉本能。你不想让你得客户作假或者做出不实际的事情。我想让Michael Jackson 做他自己,对此很自豪,他也那样做了。我们这边没有丝毫作假。检控方那边倒是作假不少。 KING: Phony? 作假? MESEREAU: Yes. 是的。








 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-16 20:45:11 | 显示全部楼层
KING: Meaning they knew they were doing something that wasn't right? 意思是他们知道自己做错了却依然继续? MESEREAU: I don't see how they could not have known that. Look at their conspiracy theory, for example. They were trying to say that Michael Jackson had a financial motive to essentially abduct a family and ship them to Brazil. It was the most ridiculous theory I have ever heard of. I don't know how they did it with a straight face. And it backfired on them, as it should have. 我看不出他们会不知道错了。看看他们的阴谋理论。他们试图说明Michael Jackson 财政上的动机促使他绑架这个家庭并想他们送去巴西。这是我听说过的最荒唐的理论。我不明白他们怎么就能面无表情的说出这种理论。而事实上,这种理论反而伤了他们自己,这也是应该的。 KING: We'll be back with more of Thomas Mesereau, some more phone calls, too, on this very interesting hour of LARRY KING LIVE. Don't go away. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) KING: We're back. You mentioned earlier how you boosted your client and always tried to be optimistic. But do you have to give -- do you have to talk at all about the possibility of a guilty verdict, tell him what might happen to him? Deal with what might happen? 你说自己鼓励客户,保持积极乐观态度。但是,你不是必须和客户谈论定罪的可能性么?如果发生的该怎么办什么的? MESEREAU: Well, Larry, you have to be honest with your client at all times. You do have ethical and professional obligations to explain the situation the client is in, but at the same time, you know, if you really believe in your case and you really are optimistic about your chances, you also have to convey that as well. And I was always optimistic about this case once I learned about it, because the more you looked into who these accusers were and who the witnesses the prosecution was going to call were, the more ridiculous everything looked. 你必须要对客户诚实。你必须职业的向客户说明他现在所处的情况,但是同时,如果你对自己的案子很有信心,也确实乐观,那也应该说出来。我已清楚了案件的来龙去脉就对它很乐观,你越是了解原告家庭和检方传召的证人,就越会觉得这一切的荒谬。 KING: So, there was no reason to say, Michael, be prepared, you might be in jail tonight? 所以,你没有理由跟他说,Michael做好准备,明天可能入狱了。 MESEREAU: Well, you never know what a jury is going to do. You don't know those 12 people. They're not personal friends of yours. You don't know what makes them tick. But I always had a good feeling about this jury. I always felt that our case was going in very well. And I always thought the truth would prevail. And I really felt that these jurors were very independent-minded, that nobody was going to push them around, they were going to follow the law and do what's right. 你无法知道陪审团怎么想,12个人,他们不是你的私人朋友。但我对这个陪审团一直感觉很好,我觉得真相会大获全胜。 KING: Tempe, Arizona, for Tom Mesereau. Hello. 亚利桑那州 CALLER: Hello, Larry, I love your show. KING: Thank you. CALLER: My question is, how do you think the media coverage affected this case, Mr. Mesereau? 你认为媒体的报道影响了案件么? KING: Yeah. Did it? 你觉得呢? MESEREAU: Well, ultimately, we had the right result. Justice was served. An innocent man walked free. So, I can't say that, in the long run, the media had the damaging effect that I was worried about at certain points in the trial. The problem I have with the media was they tried to turn it into a circus. They tried to pursue biases and prejudices against Mr. Jackson, because they thought it would generate interest and ratings, and they tried to make a circus out of the case. And to some extent, they did. But in the end, justice prevailed, because this jury was not going to be unduly influenced by other people. They were going to do what was right, and they did. 最终得到了正确的结果,公正得到彰显。无辜的人自由了。所以,我不能说我所担心的媒体对审判的破坏性产生了影响。问题是,媒体把这搞得像马戏表演。他们制造对Jackson先生的偏见,因为他们觉得这会产生有趣的东西提高收视。在某种程度上,他们做到了。但最后,公正胜利了,因为陪审团没有被其他人影响,他们做自己认为正确的事情,也做到了。 KING: Do you believe, therefore -- do you believe the jury didn't watch television? 你相信他们不看电视么? MESEREAU: I believe they didn't. I believe this jury took Judge Melville's orders very seriously. I believe they took their job very seriously and I believe they were determined not to be unfairly or unduly influenced by anybody. 我相信,他们对法官的法令很严肃。我相信他们尽量保证自己的公正和不被他人影响。 KING: Manillapan, Florida, hello. 下一个。 CALLER: Hi, Mr. King. I love your show. KING: Thank you. CALLER: I'd like to know if Mr. Mesereau could disclose the approximate cost of the defense. 可以透露一下辩护所花费的成本么? MESEREAU: I'm sorry. I didn't totally understand the question. 对不起,没听明白? KING: If you could disclose the approximate cost of the defense. (重复) MESEREAU: I will not talk about legal fees or cost. That's confidential. 不能透露法律费用和成本,这是机密的。 KING: What did it cost the state? 他们花了政府多少钱呢? MESEREAU: It had to have cost them many millions of dollars. I have been told that the board of supervisors of Santa Barbara county has been up in arms about the cost of this case and if you look at the number of sheriffs and investigators and experts and people and prosecutors put on this case, it's absurd. They wouldn't do it in a murder case. They wouldn't do it in a serial killer case, but they did it because Michael Jackson is a superstar and they wanted to take a superstar down. 几百万吧。我听说为了这个案子,圣巴巴拉的检举人部门都武装到脚趾了,看看他们在这个案子投入的人力,太可笑了。他们该花同样的心思去对付杀人案。不去认真对待杀人者,就因为Michael Jackson是个超级巨星,就这么对他,他们想彻底把他踩倒。 KING: How important was your investigator, Scott Ross? 你的调查人 Scott Ross 重要么? MESEREAU: He was extremely important. Scott Ross did a fabulous job, as did Jesus Castillo, our second investigator. They were critical to our defense. They were relentless. They were professional. They dug up the facts. They found the witnesses. They got them to court. These guys were just terrific. 极其重要。 Scott Ross 完成了难以置信的工作, 我们的第二个调查人 Jesus Castillo也一样。他们对我们的辩护工作至关重要,他们很有毅力,很专业,深挖真相,寻找证人,把他们带来法庭,这些家伙太惊人了。 KING: Do you use your team a lot, Tom? Did other lawyers work with you? 你们团队合作么?其他律师一起工作? MESEREAU: Yes. My co-counsel and law partner, Susan Yu, was absolutely essential to this defense. She was tireless in the way she put the evidence together, the way she assisted me in preparation. Bob Sanger, my co-counsel from Santa Barbara was an unbelievably effective lawyer. He was a trial lawyer in the trial court. He argued in the appellate courts. He did law in motion. He knew the local procedures and system. We had a lot of assistants helping us out in his office and my office and it was a great team effort and it succeeded. 是的,我的助理律师,也是合伙人,susan yu,对辩护至关重要。她整合证据。Bob Sanger,效率极佳,和上诉法庭讨论,他熟知本地法律程序和系统。我们有很多助手帮忙,我的办公室和他的办公室,非常棒的工作团队。 KING: And, we'll be back with some more moments with Thomas Mesereau, ask about him, his future. Don't go away. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) KING: One more call. Gainesville, Georgia, hello. 最后一个电话。 CALLER: Yes. I'd like to ask Mr. Mesereau if he believes that Tom Sneddon is responsible for the grand jury testimony being leaked to the press. 你认为Tom Sneddon需要对大陪审团证词泄漏负责么? MESEREAU: I don't know if Tom Sneddon is personally responsible for that, but certainly somebody in the prosecution side, it would appear, was responsible and when I say prosecution side, I'm including the sheriff's department. 我不知道Tom Sneddon个人是否需要负责,不过很明显检控方需要负责,包括治安官部门。 As you know, those transcripts were leaked just as the trial was beginning, and it's my belief they were leaked to try and prejudice the entire process. Do I know that Tom Sneddon did it personally? I do not have any understanding of that, but I think somebody who favored the prosecution did it. That's my belief. 证词泄漏就在审讯开始,我相信泄漏是想在一开始就造成公众偏见影响审判进程。Tom Sneddon个人需要负责么?我不知道,不过我想做这件事情的人肯定是受惠于检控方的,我是这么认为的。 KING: You said Michael's going to stay at Neverland? 你说Michael打算带在Neverland? MESEREAU: I don't know the answer to that, Larry. We just haven't had a chance to talk about his future very much. 我不知道,Larry。我们还没有机会谈论他的将来。 KING: He's got such an interest in kids. Do you think he'll still have some come over? Or are you going to advise him against... 他对孩子那么喜欢。你认为他还会让孩子们进去么?你有建议什么么? MESEREAU: Again, well, I really haven't talked to Michael very much about the future. I do know, as we said before, that he has to get a lot tougher with who he lets into his life and who he feels sorry for and who he wants to heal and help because he's a real target. 我没有和他说过太多将来的事情。我只知道,他对进入他生活的人,他感到悲伤的人,他想要帮助的人应该更加强硬,因为他是个真正的靶子。 KING: We'll ask his brothers tomorrow. 好吧,明天我问他兄弟。








 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-16 20:45:41 | 显示全部楼层
KING: Interesting thing about Thomas Mesereau, born in West Point, father, lieutenant colonel; worked for his in-laws restaurant business, Mama Leone's, one of the most successful restaurants ever in America, famous in New York; was an amateur boxer; and represented defendants in death penalty cases in the south, pro bono, didn't charge; gives free legal assistance through the First African Methodist Episcopal Church in L.A. -- were you glad about that apology yesterday, for slavery and (INAUDIBLE) hangings? Thomas Mesereau生于西点军校。父亲,陆军上校,现经营家族餐厅Mama Leone's,美国最成功的餐厅之一,在纽约极富盛名。Thomas,业余拳击手,每年免费为南部死刑犯免费代表,免费援助First African Methodist Episcopal Church---你虽昨天的道歉开心么?对奴隶和死刑犯? MESEREAU: Well, what -- you know, Larry, yesterday was a wild day. Which apology... 啊,什么?昨天是疯狂的一天,我不知道... KING: The Senate -- the Senate apologized for the treatment in the past of the American black. 上院为过去对美国黑人的行为道歉。 MESEREAU: I'm absolutely in favor of that, if that's the way it was done and it was articulated properly, I am absolutely behind that. 我很高兴。完全支持。 KING: Are you looking forward to a lot more criminal cases? I mean, you're famous, widespread now. You know, it's obvious you're going to get a lot of calls. Are you ready for an onslaught of new business? 你期盼新的案子么?你出名了,路人皆知。显然,会接到无数电话,已经为准备冲击新案子么? MESEREAU: No, I'm ready to get some sleep. 不,我打算睡觉。 KING: But you seriously know you're going to get a lot of attention now? 不过,我认真地说,你会得到极大关注。 MESEREAU: I'm sure I will, and, you know, I'll take it as it comes. I have strong views about my profession. I love what I do. I have a strong belief in civil rights and in making sure our justice system works and we'll just move forward. I feel very blessed by god to have been in the case. 我也知道,我会兵来将挡。我对自己的职业有很强得执念。我爱我的工作。我对人权和法律系统充满信心,我会继续向前的。感谢上帝让我参与到这个案件中来。   KING: How many partners in your firm? 你的公司有多少合伙人。 MESEREAU: Just four partners. It's a small firm. 4个,是个小公司。 KING: Might you expand? 你会扩大规模么? MESEREAU: I don't know. We'll have to take it as it comes. I don't have any plans, other than to get some sleep, see my family and friends and move forward. 不知道,看情况。我没什么计划,除了准备睡个好觉,和家人朋友团聚,然后继续前进。 KING: Take a vacation for a while? 给自己个假期? MESEREAU: I could definitely use one, yes. 确实需要假期了。 KING: Thomas, thank you so much for a very informative hour. I appreciate you giving us an hour. We know how tired you are. MESEREAU: Well, thank you for having me. KING: Thomas Mesereau, very successful defense attorney, quite a career, quite a life, quite a story.








 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-16 20:49:05 | 显示全部楼层
终于完成了 我累摊 这个采访很有意思 觉得tom为人很正直, 身家清白的感觉,换律师果然是正确的 媒体总是在追问MJ什么时候回归 我倒是情愿他以后平安快乐的生活 在音乐领域 他已经完全不需要再证明什么了 [ Last edited by lenafox on 2005-6-16 at 10:18 PM ]








 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-16 20:49:47 | 显示全部楼层
哦 KEEN 我实在没有时间排版了 麻烦你来吧 飘走............................








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-6-16 21:08:40 | 显示全部楼层
lenafox,辛苦了! 谢谢你^_^
徜徉在内心的迷宫 别人无法进入 我……      也无法走出








Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2005-6-16 22:18:13 | 显示全部楼层
Supernannan 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-6-16 22:32:07 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢~~ 律师说话就是有逻辑,有条理,听着就舒服~
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-6-16 23:32:02 | 显示全部楼层
(录影片段) SNEDDON: 我们相信孩子的话。我们相信这个案子。我们有足够的证据证明孩子的话。 (录影片段) KING:我想,Tom Mesereau,陪审团可不那么认为。 MESEREAU: 显然没有。Michael Jackson的所有指控全部被宣判无罪,无论轻罪还是重罪。在清楚不过了。 KING: 你曾经对轻罪指控担心过么? MESEREAU: 我真的没有担心过,因为任何证明轻罪的前提都是,你必须超越合理怀疑的相信原告。在我看来这本身就不成立。 KING: 所以就连单纯提供酒精这种轻罪陪审团也不会接受? MESEREAU:陪审团已经不再相信原告了。他们已经不能在任何程度上信任原告家庭。 KING: 你觉得法庭内设置录像机好么? MESEREAU:我对此感情复杂。在这个特殊案件中,我情愿没有摄像。法庭外的情况已经够马戏团化了,摄像只会使情况更糟。撇开这点来看,我本人是喜欢审判公开化的。但是鉴于媒体不断重复对刑事案件的马戏团般的报道,我已经有点动摇了,也许他们并不属于法庭这个领域。 KING: 对禁声令怎么看? MESEREAU: 不太喜欢。虽然在这个案件中,它起到了好作用。我想那种可以让律师或者检察官成为电影明星的诱惑,会促使他们出现在摄像机前,这必须要避免,如果我们打算在刑事司法系统获得公正的话。 KING: Mark Geragos是个好证人么? MESEREAU: 绝佳的证人。他是一个诚实的证人。他为客户说话。监视这家人是基于他的怀疑,对这点他解释的很简洁,很小心也很诚实。他确实帮了他的客户一把。 KING: 有些Jackson的支持者,对陪审团的组成很有意见,因为没有黑人。只在候补陪审员中有一个黑人。你担心种族问题么? MESEREAU:显然Michael Jackson是个杰出的非裔美国人家庭的一份子,我们也确实希望陪审团中有非裔美国人。然而,陪审团一产生,我就对这个陪审团感觉不错。我一直觉得他们思想独立。没有人能胁迫他们。他们能够严肃公正的完成使命。事实证明我是正确的。 KING: 你对陪审团作笔记这点怎么看? MESEREAU: 我不知道该怎么说,Larry。做笔记显示了他们很关注自己的工作。但另一方面,你也可以不做笔记,同时可以关注和吸收现场的情况。所以,这不好说。 KING:好的。在商议的过程中,陪审团向法官提出了一些问题,这些问题未被公布。你关注这些问题么?可以跟我们说说这些问题是什么吗? MESEREAU:你知道,我真的不能透露。因为我还不知道法官是否解封了这些问题。所以我们最好还是不要讨论这点。 KING:就算不说具体内容,你觉得这些问题让你担心么? MESEREAU:不担心,反而这些问题给我打了气。 KING:听到问题,你发而更自信了? MESEREAU:是的。 KING: 法官表现如何? MESEREAU:非常杰出的法官。我觉得全美国的法官都应该从Melville处理这个案件中学到一课。他很坚决,从第一天他就掌控全局。他决定要保证了法庭内外的公正。在审讯期间,他建立了很有创造性的程序,以保证法令被完好执行。他干的非常好,我对此充满敬意。 KING: 就算他在这过程中对你发了几次脾气? MESEREAU:是啊,他也对检方发了脾气。他是个很公正的人。 KING: 你要的也就是这样了,公平公正? MESEREAU: 是的,法官给了我们最好的结果。非常卓越的法官。 (广告时间) KING: 我们来接听几个电话,首先从俄克拉菏马州的塔尔萨打来的。 观众: 你好,Larry。 KING:你好。 观众:Mesereau先生,你知道Michael什么时候会发表声明么? MESEREAU:我不知道。我没有跟他谈过这个。Michael需要一段时间做身体恢复。他精疲力尽了。没得睡,没得吃。对他来说这是个重创,他需要时间恢复。我不认为他会在近期发表声明,只是有可能性。我没有和他讨论过。 KING:你也不赞同近期之内的深度访问? MESEREAU:不推荐。我想Michael需要花时间和孩子家人在一起。他需要享受胜利的滋味。他是个非常非常感恩的,非常有灵性的人。我想他宁愿一个人,自我治疗,改善,然后前进。 KING:裁决出来,他们都回到Neverland了,你去哪里了呢? MESEREAU:在宣判后,我们和法官见面,感谢了他和他的同僚,然后我们也去了Neverland。 KING:宾夕法尼亚州,你好。 观众:对你致敬,Larry,为你在此过程中一如既往的公正态度。Mesereau先生我的问题是,媒体一直把Michael Jackson描述成一个怪人和恋童癖者,你认为他该如何恢复他应有的天才形象? KING:很好的问题。 MESEREAU:我想他能够回归,因为Michael是个恢复力很强的人。没错,这么多年来他都是个靶子。不断的被诽谤被反感,然而同时它也是这个世界上最伟大的艺术家,最伟大的天才,最伟大的人道主义者,拥有这些头衔和能力,他一定能很好的恢复并且前进。 KING:你期待他重回舞台么? MESEREAU:Larry,音乐和表演方面我可不是专家,我只知道Michael是个艺术家,拥有创造性的灵魂。你无法抑制他的创造能力,如果他回归了,我一点儿也不惊讶。 KING:他的家庭好相处么?他们可是个紧密的团体。 MESEREAU:和这个家庭相处很愉快,他们是群非常棒的人。对Michael非常支持。有谣言说什么内部不合,完全是错误的。他们是个很有趣可爱的家庭。 KING:Raymone Bain的事情是怎么回事? MESEREAU:你知道,我和Raymone一起工作了几个月。我们的合作很有效率。但是,在事情最后,我们产生了分歧,大事件中这种情况经常发生。我对她依然抱有敬意,也愿意再和她见面并且一起工作。 KING:她出局的具体原因是什么呢? MESEREAU:我们的分歧是机密性的,不过这都不重要了。事实是,我们是一个团队,而且最终取得了胜利,她也干的很棒。 KING:那张著名的照片是怎么回事?你和Brian Oxman怎么了?媒体对此很狂热啊。 MESEREAU:我不想谈论这个。我想这根信心有关。Brian工作很卖力。他和Jackson家族认识很久了,也在很多方面给了他们很多帮助。我们有分歧,这在高风险的大案子中是很普遍的。 KING:我们不能过问? MESEREAU:是的。 KING:你说过Michael是过去错误决定的受害者,从前猥亵官司的了结方式使得贪婪招致贪婪。你认为Michael根本不应该妥协么? MESEREAU:不应该。回头看,我们可以被称作放马后炮,不过,我想如果让Michael重新来过,他绝对不会妥协。他会战斗到最后,给出所有人明确的信息,别想对Michael Jackson做出错误指控,不然你只会走上审判这条路。 KING: Oxman依然代表着家族,是么? MESEREAU:就我的理解,是的。自从他离开,我们没有交谈过。 KING:你担心这以后还会有针对Michael的民事诉讼么?还是彻底洗清了? MESEREAU: 经过这个审判还有民事诉讼那就是疯了。不过,可能性总是有的,如果发生了,他同样会战斗到最后赢得胜利。 KING: 他的前妻Debbie Rowe是检方证人,看起来她倒是帮了辨方?你同意么? MESEREAU: 是的,帮了我们不少。 KING: 那为什么她还是被传唤了? MESEREAU: 这你得问检方。他们在前一晚还和她在当地饭店吃饭呢。据我所知,他们给她施加了很多压力,希望她说他们想要的。当她站上证人席,她说出了事实,也揭示了Michael的为人,对我们很有帮助。 KING:有证人你失望么? MESEREAU:没什么。你知道,有些证人没有完全达到我们的期望,也算作的不错。我们辩护很有力,尤其在对他们的证人的盘诘方面。所以,我们有不少特别的好日子。 KING:有时候被告在案件中的角色很重要。Michael积极参与辩护工作么? MESEREAU:是的,他有参与,不过他是个艺术家,音乐家,不是刑事辩护律师。他很乐于倾听,也愿意去完成我们建议的对的事情,和他合作很愉快。 KING: 就是说,如果你建议,Michael你应该出庭作证,他也会做? MESEREAU: 他绝对会做,事实上,他也很期待去这样做。 KING:来自宾夕法尼亚州Glenolden的朋友,你好。 观众: 你好,我想请问,有没有可能会对检举人办公室和Tom Sneddon提起恶意检举的诉讼? MESEREAU:我想提起诉讼是正当的,只是我还没有和Michael Jackson商量过。我们刚得到裁决不久。他需要时间恢复。没人谈论过这件事,不过如果你问我…… KING: 你认为这是恶意检举? MESEREAU:是的。我认为对Michael的处理方式,和对平常人相似情况下完全不同。只是因为他是个超级巨星。70个警官搜寻了庄园,就因为原告家庭简单的几句话?他们还没有调查原告家庭和背景。 KING:你的意思是,如果他愿意就可以提起恶意检举的诉讼,也会赢? MESEREAU: 我不想评论提起诉讼的优缺点,这得深究。但是我确实觉得检举是怀有敌意的,不公正的。绝对是这样。 KING:在审判中你也经历了灾难,姐姐去世于肺癌,是么? MESEREAU:是的。 KING:情感上,这有什么影响么? MESEREAU: 很难受。这发生在审判刚开始,法官给我时间准备葬礼和相关事宜,很艰难,不过,她最后留给我的话是,她觉得我们会胜利。审判中,我一直想着她。 KING:她多大年纪? MESEREAU:53。 KING: 吸烟? MESEREAU:是的,从13岁开始,总是要还的。 KING:Michael对此表示了同情么? MESEREAU:不止是表示了同情。他给她送去了最美丽的,你能想象到的最大的花束。他还为她写了诗,是Michael和他的孩子一起写的。在她最后的日子里,这是Michael所能做到的最好的最有意义的事情了。 KING:他和孩子如何交流呢? MESEREAU: 非常美好。他爱孩子,孩子们也爱他。他花很多时间陪孩子。是个溺爱的,细心的父亲。孩子们也很崇拜他。 KING: 孩子们很有教养么? MESEREAU:是的,非常好的孩子。昨天我还和他们在一起。 KING:当你和Michael做审前准备的时候,谈论一些话题的时候困难么?比如,问你的客户,你和那男孩到底是怎样? MESEREAU: 我不打算谈论我问Michael的问题,问题是机密的。 KING:当然,但问这些问题困难么? MESEREAU: 坦白说,不,当我越认识到Michael Jackson是怎样的人,我就越觉得指控荒谬,越是发现到他的文雅,仁慈,热心,正派,就越不会感到困难。他一直是个很坦率,诚信,实在的人。我认识的Michael Jackson和他们所描述的Michael Jackson完全不沾边。 KING: 所以当你问…… MESEREAU: 他很容易相处。 KING:你问他问题,他会直接回答? MESEREAU: 当然,他很诚实,很实在。如果你看上几个他的访问,你会发现他是一个很单纯,实在的人,非常诚实,对自己的孤独感很诚实,对自己的童年很诚实。他是个非常非常正派,和善,容易相处的人。 KING: 信任他人? MESEREAU:太容易信赖他人了。这都成了他的弱点。他相信了不该信的人。他为不值得相信的人难过,还去帮助他们。最后那些人背叛他,还想通过法律系统占他的便宜。 KING: 他会更强硬些么? MESEREAU: 是的,他会的。我们谈论过这点。他会注意的。对他来说这是个可怕的经验,他不会随便让人在自己家里发疯了,就因为他为他们难过,想要帮助他们。他必须也将会变得强硬。 KING:之前你说,你让他做自己,不管他如何着装或者其他的事情,不过,睡裤时间吸引了不是注意,这让你困扰么? MESEREAU:那是计划外事件。他必须去医院。他预计要花一段时间。法官十分强硬,那是法官的职责,发出了法令。所以Michael直接从医院赶到法庭。他是在履行法官的法令。不是事先计划好的,是自然发生的。 KING:所以只是慌乱造成的? MESEREAU: 就是这样。 KING:所以你并没有知道他在法庭该怎么办?怎么坐?这样那样?穿什么之类? MESEREAU:没有,我希望Michael Jackson就是Michael Jackson 。你知道,陪审团是很聪明的。他们有自己的直觉本能。你不想让你得客户作假或者做出不实际的事情。我想让Michael Jackson 做他自己,对此很自豪,他也那样做了。我们这边没有丝毫作假。检控方那边倒是作假不少。 KING:作假? MESEREAU:是的。 KING: 意思是他们知道自己做错了却依然继续? MESEREAU:我看不出他们会不知道错了。看看他们的阴谋理论。他们试图说明Michael Jackson 财政上的动机促使他绑架这个家庭并想他们送去巴西。这是我听说过的最荒唐的理论。我不明白他们怎么就能面无表情的说出这种理论。而事实上,这种理论反而伤了他们自己,这也是应该的。 KING:你说自己鼓励客户,保持积极乐观态度。但是,你不是必须和客户谈论定罪的可能性么?如果发生的该怎么办什么的? MESEREAU:你必须要对客户诚实。你必须职业的向客户说明他现在所处的情况,但是同时,如果你对自己的案子很有信心,也确实乐观,那也应该说出来。我已清楚了案件的来龙去脉就对它很乐观,你越是了解原告家庭和检方传召的证人,就越会觉得这一切的荒谬。 KING:所以,你没有理由跟他说,Michael做好准备,明天可能入狱了。 MESEREAU:你无法知道陪审团怎么想,12个人,他们不是你的私人朋友。但我对这个陪审团一直感觉很好,我觉得真相会大获全胜。我真的感觉这些陪审员是有独立思想的,没有人能胁迫他们,他们会遵照法律,正确地去做。 KING:亚利桑那州的电话。你好。 观众:你好,Larry,我爱你的节目。 KING:谢谢。 观众:你认为媒体的报道影响了案件么? KING:是的。你觉得呢? MESEREAU:最终得到了正确的结果,公正得到彰显。无辜的人自由了。所以,我不能说我所担心的媒体对审判的破坏性产生了影响。问题是,媒体把这搞得像马戏表演。他们制造对Jackson先生的偏见,因为他们觉得这会产生有趣的东西提高收视。在某种程度上,他们做到了。但最后,公正胜利了,因为陪审团没有被其他人影响,他们做自己认为正确的事情,也做到了。 KING:你相信他们不看电视么? MESEREAU:我相信,他们对法官的法令很严肃。我相信他们尽量保证自己的公正和不被他人影响。 KING:下一个。来自佛罗里达。 观众:你好,King先生,我爱你的节目。 KING:谢谢。 观众:可以透露一下辩护所花费的成本么? MESEREAU:对不起,没听明白? KING:你能透露辩方所花费的成本吗? MESEREAU:不能透露法律费用和成本,这是机密的。 KING:他们花了政府多少钱呢? MESEREAU:几百万吧。我听说为了这个案子,圣芭芭拉的检举人部门都武装到脚趾了,看看他们在这个案子投入的人力,太可笑了。他们该花同样的心思去对付杀人案。不去认真对待杀人者,就因为Michael Jackson是个超级巨星,就这么对他,他们想彻底把他踩倒。 KING:你的调查人Scott Ross重要么? MESEREAU: 极其重要。Scott Ross完成了难以置信的工作,我们的第二个调查人Jesus Castillo也一样。他们对我们的辩护工作至关重要,他们很有毅力,很专业,深挖真相,寻找证人,把他们带来法庭,这些家伙太惊人了。 KING:你们团队合作么?其他律师一起工作? MESEREAU: 是的,我的助理律师,也是合伙人,Susan Yu,对辩护至关重要。她整合证据。Bob Sanger,效率极佳,和上诉法庭讨论,他熟知本地法律程序和系统。我们有很多助手帮忙,我的办公室和他的办公室,非常棒的工作团队。 KING:最后一个电话。来自乔治亚州。你好。 观众:你认为Tom Sneddon需要对大陪审团证词泄漏负责么? MESEREAU:我不知道Tom Sneddon个人是否需要负责,不过很明显检控方需要负责,包括治安官部门。证词泄漏就在审讯开始,我相信泄漏是想在一开始就造成公众偏见影响审判进程。Tom Sneddon个人需要负责么?我不知道,不过我想做这件事情的人肯定是受惠于检控方的,我是这么认为的。 KING:你说Michael打算待在Neverland? MESEREAU:我不知道,Larry。我们还没有机会谈论他的将来。 KING:他对孩子那么喜欢。你认为他还会让孩子们进去么?你有建议什么么? MESEREAU: 我没有和他说过太多将来的事情。我只知道,他对进入他生活的人,他感到悲伤的人,他想要帮助的人应该更加强硬,因为他是个真正的靶子。 KING: 好吧,明天我问他兄弟。 KING: 关于Thomas Mesereau的一些有趣的信息,生于西点军校。父亲,陆军上校,美国最成功的餐厅之一,在纽约极富盛名。Thomas,业余拳击手,每年免费为南部死刑犯免费代表,免费援助卫理公会——你对昨天的道歉开心么?对奴隶和死刑犯? MESEREAU:啊,什么?昨天是疯狂的一天,我不知道…… KING:上院为过去对美国黑人的行为道歉。 MESEREAU:我很高兴。完全支持。 KING: 你期盼新的案子么?你出名了,路人皆知。显然,会接到无数电话,已经为准备冲击新案子么? MESEREAU: 不,我打算睡觉。 KING:不过,我认真地说,你会得到极大关注。 MESEREAU:我也知道,我会兵来将挡。我对自己的职业有很强得执念。我爱我的工作。我对人权和法律系统充满信心,我会继续向前的。感谢上帝让我参与到这个案件中来。   KING:你的公司有多少合伙人。 MESEREAU:4个,是个小公司。 KING:你会扩大规模么? MESEREAU:不知道,看情况。我没什么计划,除了准备睡个好觉,和家人朋友团聚,然后继续前进。 KING:给自己个假期? MESEREAU:确实需要假期了。 KING:Thomas,感谢你来上节目,给我们带来丰富的咨讯。我很感激你能花一个小时和我们谈话,我们知道你很累。 MESEREAU:谢谢你让我上你的节目。 KING:Thomas Mesereau,非常成功的辩护律师。精彩的事业,精彩的人生,精彩的故事。








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发表于 2005-6-17 01:04:57 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by Supernannan at 2005-6-16 10:32 PM: 谢谢~~ 律师说话就是有逻辑,有条理,听着就舒服~
[b]一个人的成功并不是在于他拥有多少的财富 而是在于他拥有大量财富的同时 还保持着一颗纯真的童心…… 而 MJ 正是如此[/b]
东日暖暖 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-6-17 10:17:18 | 显示全部楼层
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