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mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-3-26 10:22:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
下载: 都一样,点开看能不能下,也许某些失效 http://s41.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1KCAQ622PTDG11BZ4GBV3JVGQ9 http://s37.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=05KGP9CHF4LHS1K2ERYHKIPQ7G http://s49.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0CL16U9NC6U5G1DNTFX0B92R8H http://s38.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2O92MOSZUNE4I113TMDQBJ8BWK http://www.malibufanclub.de/news ... ackson_27.03.05.mp3 http://mmslb.eonstreams.com/b/ccri/cc_corporate/jackson.wma 作者:Keen 更新时间:2005-3-26 本周日是西方的复活节,黑人民权领袖杰西·杰克逊牧师将对流行音乐之王进行现场独家采访。该采访会于美国东部时间早上8点在“杰西·杰克逊牧师:保持希望”节目中向全美国28家电台播出,同时也会在网上直播,地址是:www.KeepHopeAliveRadio.com 。 杰西·杰克逊牧师和迈克尔·杰克逊讨论“从加里市走向辉煌”的历程,并给流行音乐之王以机会来和大众分享他生命中的故事。 即将播出“杰西·杰克逊牧师:保持希望”节目的电台包括: WGRB-AM 1390,芝加哥 WAVZ-AM 1300, 纽黑文WWPR-FM 105.1, 纽约 WCKY-AM 1530, 辛辛那提WDAS-FM 105.3, 费城 WTPG-AM 1230, 哥伦布市KMEL-FM 106.1, 旧金山 KSJL-AM 810, 圣安东尼奥WWRC-AM 1260,华盛顿特区 WKUS-FM 105.3, 诺弗克WMXD-FM 92.3, 底特律 KRMP-AM 1140, 俄克拉荷马市WXDX-AM 1310, 底特律 KGTO-AM 1050, 塔尔萨KPRC-AM 950, 休斯顿-加尔维斯敦 WOWE-FM 98.9, 弗林特WBTP-FM 95.7, 坦帕-圣彼得斯堡 WPHR-FM 106.9,锡拉丘兹WINZ-AM 940, 迈阿密-罗德岱堡-好莱坞 WXXM-FM 92.1, 麦迪逊 KKZN-AM 760, 丹佛 WJNI-FM 106.3,查尔斯顿KATZ-AM 1600,圣路易斯 KKRX-AM 1050, 瑙顿KPOJ-AM 620, 波特兰 WJIZ-FM 96.3,奥尔巴尼 KLSD-AM 1360, 圣地亚哥 WWVA-AM 1170,惠灵 171132171132

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2005-3-26 11:27:37 | 显示全部楼层
杰西·杰克逊牧师会问什么呢?我想他应该是帮助MJ的吧。 大家最关心的应该还是案件什么时候结束吧,控方检方是否已经败了?我看不能掉以轻心,情况看起来越好的时候越是如此,阴谋还没有结束。 [ Last edited by mysticus on 2005-3-26 at 11:36 AM ]









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2005-3-26 12:35:15 | 显示全部楼层
:D:D:D 期待中!!! MJ Is Innocent, MJ Is Invincible Wherever you go ,good luck will be always with you ! Whenever you need me,I'll always be there for you!








Rank: 4

发表于 2005-3-26 14:40:24 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-27 22:29:40 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-27 22:37:54 | 显示全部楼层
Summary (not verbatim, note from note, word from word) Jesse asked if he remembered when they first met at Jessie's office MJ said they were wearing bellbottoms His mom made the clothes MJ said that Jessie had a big afro at the time! Jessie said "don't remind them" Talking about the shows they did when they were little MJ fave artists: Diana Ross, James Brown, Jackie Wilson, Sammy Davis Jr. Moves from Jackie Wilson and all these great entertainers Susanne dePasse was the manager at the time and godmother to the J5; very instrumental in their careers; still a friend; haven't seen her in awhle though MJ around 8-9 greatest memory was his father and his band coming around and playing music; dancing around to the beat of the washing machine; the beats of a marching band All these great artists were friends of his; and he got to see all these artists from the wings; they were show stoppers to always thank God for your talents and ability; always humbled for what was given up above stopped going to school formerly when he was very young; 4th or 5th grade; was tutored the rest of his life; 3 hours of schooling, concerts, traveling, recording the next J5 then a Michael Jackson album; always busy; talking about looking outside at the park across the street and wishing he could go over there and play; working hard all the time Didn't have a childhood; try to compensate for the loss, later on trying to catch up. that's why you see a theme park; he has Neverland for the ill children and disadvantaged children that can come and enjoy it. Did Tito and Jermaine give him some experience of childhood by being the little brother. MJ talks about that they had some fun, but it was always work, and fans everywhere Jackie and Tito won the pillow fights. Greatest influence to write music: the Factory, Hollier, DeHolland---they're amazing, love the Beatles music, show tunes music, love melody, Irish, English, African music, melodies. Africa music was the beginning Never studied dancing; came natural, couldn't tie him down; if someone plays music, he automatically starts dancing to the beat; talking about Fred Astaire; FA said that he'll be a very special star; Moonwalk came from black children in the ghettos. He said he can't take the credit for it. He watched the Soul Train. He waited for the dancing line. He was mesmerized by studying the rythms He's never been a great eater, great admirer of food, thanks God for giving man the gift of food. Said his parents has always had a problem with him with his weight. He said his health is perfect, that he's not starving. He has God's medicince, instead of man's chemicals. Greatest highpoints--- 80's Off The Wall, important point because he got to write his own music, talking about QUincy; setting mental goals as an artist; wasn't happy how OTW was accepted. OTW=10 million; he set his heart on making Thriller to be better; he said he would see graffitti on the walls in Encino that "Disco sucks, disco that" He said that disco just wanted ppl to dance Thriller is the biggest selling album of this time. It's a pinnacle Pull celebrities together to create We Are The World. Q called and asked him to write a song about what was going on in Africa at the time. Q said let Lionel Richie to help him. Lionel would come over and help him. Lionel and MJ been friends with years. MJ wasn't happy with what they all did, so he went in the studio by himself to recreate it. Break.... back on.... His father driving a station wagon with a U-Haul a warm-up act for EXPO; became a hot act and EXPO wasn't the same again Jessie was wonderful to the Jackson family Victory Tour; MJ was full grown; they all had prayer together in Kansas City; Thriller had won more Grammys in the history of music; very hard to do anything; press sleeping in your bushes, hiding in your trees; world was really going wild at that time; Dodger's Stadium eight sold out shows; all his dreams came true Jessie: Life isn't a straight line; your either in a storm or going into a storm; test what you are really made of; The lowest point that's he's going through is right now what he's going through, the pain, he knows in his heart that he's innocent He's handling it by using ppl that has had to handle it in the past. He's talking to Mandela. Watching some documentary on PBS. All these stories gives him strength. He came at the tail of the civil rights movement. He's a 70's child. How does his spirit handle seeing the accusers come in to court. He believes in Jehovah God, he's a warrior, he's still a human being, he prays alot. MJ broke= Michael said that he's not broke. One of the their many schemes to embarrass him and drag him through the mud. Sony catalogue= Beatles music, Little Richards, Sly and the Family, so many Elvis song, alot of conspiracy going on about it as we speak! He was coming out of the shower, and he fell. He's very fragile, he bruised his lung very badly, still in very much pain; going to court everday in alot of pain. The doctor said that it can be very dangerous. He's spitting out blood. There is no faking of this at all. There was a scan done. It's bright, bright red, a huge gash over his forehead. They're treating it, he has medicine for it. MJ cried at court----he was in pain, he was sitting there hurting; he could do nothing but sit there and cry because the pain was so great; had nothing to do with what was going inside the court but personal pain. what do you want ppl to know??? To be strong for him, pray for him, his children and his family, don't believe what they here, just because it's throught print doesn't it make it as gospel, feeding frenzy because of his celebrity. They turn this into money, biggest rating, celebrity is something that he has to go through; he'll be vindicated, he believes in God. Appearance with children----will there be anything that he'll do different. There is alot of conspiracy going on...is conspiracy connected to the trial, the catalogue, etc. MJ said it's very delicate and he can't talk about it, he's under gag order. Expect next from MJ: he's a person of the arts, he loves the arts very much, he's a musician, a writer, a composer, a producer. He loves arts very much. He knows who he is inside and outside. He'll continue to go on with his dreams in life. Dreams now= film, great plans for Africa, ppl flying out to see him since he's been going on with now Next immediate project= Tsunami song Planning a resort in Africa, hotels, etc. He loves Africa, him and his children will fly there; he spends alot of his vacation there and his money They never show the beaches, the urban, the beautifulness of Africa. The world is jealous of Africa. alot of the Bible took place in Africa; Egypt is Africa; His final message is that he loves all his fans; he's completely, completely innocent; it's about CONSPIRACY!
kiki 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-3-27 22:47:09 | 显示全部楼层








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-3-27 22:59:42 | 显示全部楼层
[b]一个人的成功并不是在于他拥有多少的财富 而是在于他拥有大量财富的同时 还保持着一颗纯真的童心…… 而 MJ 正是如此[/b]
Supernannan 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-3-27 23:16:32 | 显示全部楼层
hohoho~~~Keen这两天累坏了~~写了两万字的大作~~大家看了没? 他去睡觉了~~ 我来翻译~ 但是因为以上的采访原文是外国歌迷发的~有些也不很清楚~我会再听一遍~应该也改善不了多少~~:) 大家一会就看个大概意思吧~~~ 不好意思啊~~~ 高手一会查查错~~ See you later~~









Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-3-27 23:25:51 | 显示全部楼层
你们好厉害,我看英文文章就只能看个大概~~~~还有的是用蒙的~~~ 哎!英文没学好,后悔啊~~~~
Supernannan 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-3-28 00:50:55 | 显示全部楼层
大意没有问题。主要是听译,第一次啊~~~我的第一次就这么献给大家了~~555555 采访内容(不是逐字逐句的) Jesse Jackson牧师一上来先把Michael的成就大概的回顾了一下~采访开始~~ Jesse问他是否记得他们第一次在Jesse的办公室见面的情况 Michael说他们穿着带小铃铛的裤子(?)还说他们的衣服都是他妈妈亲手缝制的,说Jesse是个非常好的人,对他们也非常好。 谈到了那时候的演出,Michael那时候Jesse的发型是那种大蘑菇头,Jesse说“别提那些了”。 谈到了Motown,Jesse问谁发现了你们? Michael说了两个名字,说他们演出了3,40场,那两个人看了他们的演出,先开始很感兴趣,后来就决定签他们。Diana Ross是个在那个时候大明星,他们的第一张专辑就是“Diana Ross推荐的Jackson 5”。 Jesse:那个时候谁是你最喜欢的明星? Michael:哦,我的天哪,我爱Diana Ross.James Brown, Jackie Wilson, Sammy Davis Jr. Michael说他模仿了好多Jackie Wilson和这些艺术家的动作。 Susanne Depasse是那时候Jackson 5的经理人和教母;说她是令人惊奇的,给了他们很多帮助,现在还是好朋友,虽然有一阵子没见了。 Michael对那时候的记忆,他说他那时8,9岁,组成了乐队,他爸爸弹吉他,还有他家的其他人,Michael跟着洗衣机的节奏跳舞,吸引了很多人来看。 Jesse问Michael时候看过他提到的艺术家,例如James Brown,Jackie Wilson,的表演? Michael说,我当然看过,他们是我的朋友,是世界上最伟大的艺术家,惊奇,我能上台去模仿他们,所以我才这么幸运。我能经常看到,躲在舞台的边上,他们就是表演家! 说到他很小的时候演出,人们都觉得他能唱个很惊讶,人们为他,你是否知道你有特殊的才能,特殊的天分?他说,我就记得我妈妈是非常非常虔诚的,这些才能和天分都不是自己获得~是上天给予的。所以我们都非常谦虚。 当他很小的时候就不去学校上学了,4或者5年级,然后就找家庭教师了,因为我们太多演出了,电视演出,所有的专辑录制;三个小时的学习,然后是演唱会,去其他国家地区演出,录制J5的专辑,然后是个人专辑,所以在我还小的时候我总是很忙的。我记得Motown录音室对面有一个公园,好多小孩在那里玩,篮球,橄榄球,每次我去录音室的时候我都很伤心,因为我想和他们一起玩。但是我有不同的工作,录制专辑,一整天,直到夜里。 我没有童年,我想其他想我一样的童星,都会像要补偿,过后你都想要找回来,所以你们看到了主题公园,游乐园。。。我的Neverland是为了像我一样的孩子,得病的孩子,残疾的,贫穷的,让他们可以爬山,看电影,吃冰激凌一类的。 我家有9个孩子。 Jesse问,Tito和Jermmaine作为哥哥给了你一些童年的经验吗? Michael说,我们总在各处演出,我们那时候非常出名,我们不能在公众场合出现,歌迷们会尖叫。但是我们确实有机会玩一玩,在旅馆中的枕头大战,旅馆中的游泳池。 Jesse问谁会在枕头大战中获胜? Michael说大部分都是Tito或者Jackie。 Jesse问谁对你创作上的影响非常大,你作曲为什么会这么好? Michael说Motown那时候有很多非常好的艺术家,Factory,Hollier,DeHolland,他们都非常出色,70年代最出色的,我能和他们一起工作;我还喜欢一些例如Beatles,美妙的音乐,情歌,爱尔兰音乐,英式的,非洲音乐。非洲的音乐是这一切的基础。非洲音乐才是我最喜欢的,全世界中我最喜欢的。因为所有的其他的音乐都是起源自非常,那才是最本源的。(Michael夸了非洲音乐半天) Jesse说你唱歌跳舞,你有过舞蹈教练吗? Michael说,没有,我以前从来没有学习过舞蹈,很自然的就会了;当我很小的时候,只有有音乐,你就无法使我停下来,很自然的。Fred Adtaire和另一个艺术家对我能如此跳舞感到很惊奇,Fred经常说我会成为一个特殊的明星。 Jsees说,Michael,月球漫步是从哪里来的? Michael说,虽然我很想占有这个舞步,但是我不能,我是从犹太人区的黑人小孩那里学来的,我称之为幻觉舞步。我学会了它,并且完善发展了它,但是归根结底这是从黑人文化中来的。 Jesse问,你看了**的灵魂列车节目了吗? Michael说我喜欢那个表演,你开玩笑吗?我当然看了,(似乎是一帮人围在一起,中间有人跳舞?舞蹈很有创造性Michael说他只是观看着),我记得学习节奏,还有舞蹈。 Jesse说,为什么你从来不长肉?:) Michael说,我从来就不贪吃,虽然我很感谢上帝给我们这些食物。我妈妈为这事发愁,伊丽莎白泰勒也喂我吃过饭。我吃饭上确实有问题,但是我的健康非常好。他不会感到很饥饿。我有上帝的良药,而不是人类的化学药物。 Jesse说人们记住了你很多事业中的亮点,你自己记住了哪些呢? Michael说,最走时候是80年代的“Off the wall”专辑,因为我刚刚演完了电影“绿野仙踪”,我要做我自己的音乐,表达我自己,写我自己的音乐,我非常热爱Quincy Jones,那时候我写了好多好歌,Beat it, Don’t stop till you get enough, Bellie Jean;我最为一个艺术家我在头脑中给自己定一个目标。还有一个亮点就是Off the wall赢得格莱梅大奖,但是我并不高兴,因为我想做的更多,我对于Off the wall是如何被接受的不高兴,虽然买了1000万张,但是他是个黑人音乐家,我想我的下一张专辑不能再让别人忽略(似乎他作为一个黑人艺术家,取得的成就被其他人忽略??)所以想到了写“颤栗”(Jesse插话说颤栗这首歌是怎么产生的?)Michael说那时我很失落,受到伤害,我那时候住的地区叫Encino,你能看到一些标语,例如“迪斯科很烂”,但是迪斯科只是一种使人们想要跳舞的媒介,这是给这个社会的一个礼物。(Michael又谈到了另一个人的一张专辑,每首歌都好),我想要做一张专辑,每首歌都能上榜,对那些不喜欢迪斯科的人的回应,于是“颤栗”产生了,成为了世界上销量最大的专辑。。。。。。我只想要做的更多,更多。 Jesse谈到了Michael召集很多艺术家制作“天下一家”那首歌。 Michael说“天下一家”是一个大工程,一天Quincy Jones给他打电话,让他写一首歌,因为那时候非洲发生了什么灾难,他知道我喜欢非洲人民,我去过好几次非洲,我喜欢那里的文化,人民。Quincy说Lionel Richie会帮助你。然后Lionel来了,我们把我们的想法加在了一起,我那时已经认识他很多很多年了。Lionel把很多东西都加了进来,但是我不是对所有的都很满意,我只想一个人在录音室里,重新制作了这首歌,Quincy对此很惊讶,说,这就是我想要的歌。这首歌成为了历史上销量最大的单曲,赚了好多钱,美国为非洲,还引起了人们的高度关注,这是美妙的事。 中场休息。
Supernannan 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-3-28 02:40:29 | 显示全部楼层
Jesse说Michael的父亲开着一辆四轮房车,拉着孩子们去给其他乐队——EXPO(??)作暖场演出。。。。。。 Michael说他记得那时候,(说了一些观众疯狂的反应) Jesse谈起了胜利之旅,那时候的Jacksons已经长大了,我们在堪萨斯城见面,我们一起祷告。 Michael说那时候“颤栗”赢得了有史以来最多的葛来梅奖,制造很大的轰动,很难去到各处走动,直升机盘旋在你头顶,人们睡在你的灌木丛里,藏在树上;在这之后,我们决定巡演,那时候世界都疯狂了;我们的巡演打破所有的美国纪录,我们在体育场里表演,例如Dodger体育场,8场演唱会的票都卖光了,人们还想要他们加演两场,我们的巡演是全美的,第一场是堪萨斯城,我们在那里见面,一起祈祷,是件美妙的事。我的梦想成真了。 Jesse说生活不是一条直线,你有过辉煌~也经历过一个个的风暴,阳光蓝天不总是常有的,风暴来检验你的成色,你对人生的低点是怎么看的? Michael说,这是感情上的,我必须经历的,我的心里明明白白的,我知道我自己是清白的。 我对待这些困难的办法就是用其他有过这些经历的人的经验,曼德拉的故事给了我很多力量,(Michael说了几个人的例子,有莫哈默德。阿里,杰西。欧文斯。。。。。。)还有你Jesse,你的经历也给了我很多力量,我赶上了民权运动的尾巴,我是70年代的孩子。 Jesse说什么精神支持着你面对你的原告走进法庭。 Michael说,我从上帝那里获得力量,我相信上帝会给我希望,我从我是清白的这个事实里面汲取力量,所有的故事都是假的,都是编造的,给我带来很多痛苦;我经常祈祷,这就是我所作的,我还很强壮,我是个勇士,我是个战士。但是一天下来很痛苦,毕竟我也是人类,但是确实伤害我很深。 Jesse问到,人们说你破产了,是真的吗? Michael说,这没有一点是真的。这是他们想要让我难堪的很多诡计之一,想把我推进烂泥中。这是和以前那些诡计是一个类型的,我告诉过你。所以不要相信,都是流言蜚语。 Jesse谈到了钱的问题,谈到了版权。 Michael说,我的Sony版权包括所有的BEATLES的音乐,Little Richards的音乐,Sly and the Family,还有好多猫王的歌;这是一个巨大的版权目录,非常的珍贵,值很多钱,就在我们谈论这个的同时,有很多关于我的版权的阴谋正在进行着,我不能评论太多,我只能说现在就有很多阴谋在进行。 Jesse又问了一些,Michael说我不能评论,你来评论吧,Jesse有谈到了Michael受伤迟到那件事上。 Michael说,我洗澡出来摔倒了,我身体很“脆”,我的肺部造成了严重的瘀血,现在还很疼。我每天出庭的时候都非常疼。我想表现的尽可能的坚强。我咳血,医生说这非常危险。就在我们说话的时候我也有可能咳血,医生说很危险,我们现在仍然在密切观察着。 Jesse说有人说这是装的,你只是想逃离法庭。 Michael说,这完全是真的。我做了扫描,能看出淡淡的血红色。。。。有伤口。。伤的很厉害。我们正在治疗,我也吃药,正在密切关注。 Jesse又谈到了Jackson上周在法庭上哭的事情,问,什么事情触动了你吗,为什么哭? Michael说,我很疼,我坐在那里非常疼。我能做的只有哭泣,因为那时候疼痛感实在太强了,我无法控制,所以我就拿起纸巾,按到了我脸上。 Jesse问,只是身体上的痛而不是因为证人的指控吗? Michael说,这些和法庭内进行的事情无关,只是身体上的疼痛。 Jesse问有人打电话进来,上周就有人打,这些人来自费城,荷兰,英国,纽约,密西西比,弗罗里达还有加利福尼亚,你想让这些听众知道些什么吗? Michael说,关于我吗? Jesse说,是,让人们知道你的感受。 Michael说,要让人们为我坚强,为我的孩子,我的家人,我自己祈祷,这是个很艰难的时期,不要相信他们听到的,不要因为那些是印出来的就把那些当作真理。。。。因为我是公众人物,你的名气越大,你就会成为越大的目标,你们必须要记住这些。他们出版那些都是为了钱,这都是小把戏,很糟糕。。。我作为名人必须要扛过去;我要辩白,我祈祷,我知道真相那就是我是清白的人,我信奉上帝,我热爱上帝,我很虔诚的为他祈祷。 Jesse似乎是说假设你赢得这场官司之后,你的行为会有改变吗? Michael似乎是说:我对人的信任程度会改变,因为有很多阴谋在进行,我看到了很多,就在我周围。 Jesse问这些阴谋是和什么联系着的?名人效应。。。。。? Michael说,我不能评论,因为有禁声令,这是很严重的事情,我不想说错话,这是非常复杂的区域,我们现在很复杂。 Jesse说让我代表那些喜欢你,希望在见到你的人,他们能看到你的下一步是什么? Michael说,我是一个以艺术为生命的人,我非常喜爱艺术,非常喜爱,我也是个音乐家,导演,作家,作曲家,制作人,我也非常喜欢电影,我认为电影这个媒介是所有的形式中最能表达你的思想的形式。(Michael谈论了很多电影的优点),你可以把音乐和影响结合在一起,这就是让我最兴奋的地方。图像和未来,因为我非常非常喜欢电影。 Jesse似乎是说面对你现在的境遇,审判,你的事业终结了吗? Michael说,没有,我知道我是什么样的人,内心和外在,我知道我想要干什么,我总是追寻着我的梦,我的理想,我也是个很有创造力的人。。。。 Jesse说,那你现在的梦想是什么? Michael说,就像我刚才说的,电影,还有一些其他的事情,一些给社会带来惊喜的事情,一些为了非洲的大计划,我正在准备,我和一些人还有些计划,他们将会坐飞机来和我见面。。。。。。。。。 Jesse,下一个计划是什么?你现在正在做的? Michael说很可能是为了海啸而作的歌曲。。。。。。。。非洲很多地方都没有电,旅游胜地,旅馆。。。。。我想建立一个小的国际社区,我爱非洲。。。。。我爱非洲人民,只要我有机会,我会带我的孩子飞到非洲,我们到那里度假;非洲比其他国家更需要好的医疗设施;那里的魅力其他人都没有见过(?) Jesse也说了一些,其他地区的文化我们都见过,但是从非洲上我们看到的是神秘,是问题。。。。。美丽的海滩,资源。。。。。 Michael说世界嫉妒非洲,它是很多文明的摇篮,很多圣经都是在非洲发现的,埃及就是在非洲,人们总想要把它们分开,但是埃及就是属于非洲。 似乎又说了圣经里面关于非洲,埃及的事?? Jesse说下周审判继续,你想对你的歌迷,朋友说什么? Michael说,我只想说世界上各个地方的歌迷,不同种族,国际,语言的歌迷,我从心底里爱你们,谢谢你们在审判中给我的爱与支持,理解,你们有着美好的意愿;请和我在一起,因为我是完全的清白的,相信我正在我们说话的时候很多阴谋正在进行着。 结束~!








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发表于 2005-3-28 09:02:34 | 显示全部楼层


为他的伤痛担忧~ 为他的坚强欣慰! 希望阴谋远离他,希望他的将来计划如愿以偿~
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-28 09:41:56 | 显示全部楼层
正规笔录(第一部分): Jesse Jackson’s Radio Show Keep Hope Alive http://www.keephopealiveradio.com (Jackson Five’s “I Want You Back” plays in the background.) Jesse Jackson: Good morning. God Bless you. Happy Easter. Welcome to Keep Hope Alive with Reverend Jesse Jackson radio program. This is Reverend Jesse Jackson and this morning I wish you a happy and glorious Easter. Brothers and sisters, I encourage those of you who are listening today, to tell your friends about us and to listen to us on live on the web on Sunday mornings from 7-8am Central Time, 8-9am Eastern Time (sic) on your website, on our website keephopealiveradio.com. And please email us with your thoughts and comments. We want to hear from you. So drop us an email throughout the week at the same address keephopealiveradio.com. This Easter week, a week of challenges, agonizing challenges, the outer limits of our faith and resurrection. We are on a journey of agony and faith with regard to Terry Schiavo. We have been riveted to TV and radio reports all of this week, these last few weeks a matter of fact. Terry’s case is an extraordinary challenge to our patience, our faith, our ethics and our morality. A brain impaired woman, said to be brain dead. She’s being starved and dehydrated to death. She must not be trophied, inmonumented in an illified moment. Her crisis challenges us to deal with long-term health care for all Americans. In her case, they didn’t pull the plug to assist her in breathing, they pulled the tube, cut off the water and will not even allow ice for her parched lips. For this level of cruelty there is no moral justification. But what can I say today about our special guest this morning. This legendary singer, dancer, songwriter, extraordinary, has transfixed the role for more than 40 years. He became an instant star at age eleven. Is the front man in Motown’s phenomenally successful family act, the Jackson Five. One of the best selling groups of all time. Hickering off their Motown tenure in 1969 with the unprecedented feat of four consecutive number one singles. Who can forget “I Want You Back”, “ABC”, “Mama’s Pearl”, or “I’ll Be There”? Where were you when you were having barely turned thirteen? He began his solo career. Released a successful string of solo singles including “Got To Be There”, “Rockin’ Robin” and “Ben”. We’ve all marveled as he continued to scale at unprecedented heights with the success of three of the biggest selling albums of all time: ‘Off The Wall’, ‘Thriller’ and ‘Bad’. Indeed, ‘Thriller’ is the biggest selling album of all time. Having sold 51 million copies world-wide, beyond the numbers how important and pyridine shifting has Jackson recording and shattering record, how… How phenomenal has it really been? What a phenomenal feat. As producer Quincy Jones told Time magazine. “Black music had to play second fiddle for a long time.” In the spirit is the whole motor of pop. He has connected with every soul in the world. He has been proclaimed the biggest selling artist of all time. The singer most awarded entertainer the world has ever known. The most popular artist in the history of show business. And not so modestly, the world’s most famous man. And of course, the King of Pop. And still our world goes on, on about this genius, about this icon for ages. Brothers and sisters, members of the Keep Hope Alive family, today we have the rare opportunity to take a journey from Gary to greatness. Hear the King of Pop share the story of his life as only he can tell it. It’s with great pride and pleasure that I bring to you this morning Michael Jackson from California. Good morning Michael. Michael Jackson: Good morning Jesse. How are you? (4:42) Jesse: Good. Good. Good. Good. It’s good to hear you there. Many listening ears around America and the world for our conversation today. Michael: Yes. Jesse: Good. Good. Good. Good. Michael: Good. Jesse: We’ll my friends lets get this conversation started. We have a shared conversation with our nation. Stay right there. You don’t want to miss this conversation with the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. We’ll be right back with Keep Hope Alive with the Reverend Jesse Jackson. [COMMERCIAL BREAK] (Time: 5:00) Jesse: Welcome to Keep It Alive with Reverend Jesse Jackson. Our regular Sunday morning talk show. Today we have a phenomenal guest in Michael Jackson Michael has taken this phenomenal journey from ground zero to outer space. Good morning Michael. Michael: Good morning Jesse. How are you? Jesse: Good. Good. Good. Remember when we met on 47th Street way, way many years ago. Your father brought you and the guys by the office in your station wagon and U-Haul. You were performing at the Regal Theatre. Do you remember that? Michael: Yes, I do remember. It was a long time ago. I was just very little. Jesse: What do you remember about that period? Michael: Oh, I remember what we were wearing kinda like dashikis (sic) and bell-bottoms pants and I just remember the love from the public was very great and accepting of what we had to offer. And the support from you know the people from the times was just beautiful, the black people was fantastic. You were always very kind to us. Jesse: Good. Good. Good. Did your mom make those outfits? Michael: Yes she did. She always made all of our clothes. My mother would sew and stitch everything. Everything we wore before we really making it at Motown. Jesse: I remember so well that uh Julius Griffin and up your dad came over and asked if you guys could be a warm-up act at Expo in our schedule and you guys stole the show. Michael (laughs): I remember those shows. You had a big time Afro at that time. Jesse: Don’t remind people of that Michael. You did so very well. (Michael laughs) Jesse: During that time you were being whipped up by Motown. Who discovered you for Motown? Michael: Well in complete truth, it was Gladys Knight and a guy named Bobby Taylor. And they were on the bill of some of the shows who were doing that you would see like…you would do a show and there would be like twenty or thirty acts. It was pretty much like Bonneville. You would do just a certain number of songs and you would go off. They were always on these shows. And they would watch us and they were so impressed with what we were doing. And Barry Gordy wasn’t interested at first. But eventually he loved us and wanted to sign us. And after being signed, and uh, since Diana Ross was their biggest star at the time, that he used her as the vehicle to…you know…introduce us to the public. The first album was called “Diana Ross Presents the Jackson Five”. Jesse: At that time, who was your favorite artist? Michael: Oh God, I loved Diana Ross and uh, I loved James Brown, I still do. I love all these artists…still to this day. I love Jackie Wilson. The real show stoppers. You know the real entertainers. Jesse: did you did… Michael (interrupts): Sammy Davis, Jr, I loved him as well (laughs). Jesse: Did you get any of your moves from Jackie Wilson? Michael: Oh yes of course! All these artists inspired me very much. I couldn’t help but be inspired by these great entertainers. Jesse: A little later, remember we were out in Los Angeles and at that time Suzanne dePasse was your the godmother for the group and she had you at Fred Seigel’s shopping for some, shopping for some jeans. Michael: Yes! Remember Suzanne dePasse, she was so wonderful. She was pretty much our manager with my father at the time and with Tony Jones. They were all wonder people. I thank them from the bottom of my heart, you know. Jesse: She was such a wonderful person, and she remains, she’s so top-notch in that what she does. Michael: Yes, she is. She was very helpful and instrumental in the early days of our careers that she remains a friend. And I do, I do…I miss her. I haven’t seen her in awhile. She remains a wonderful person… so does Berry Gordy. Jesse: Michael in this whole developmental period. I call it ground zero like Gary and the Regal Theatre and the Expo and early meeting of Barry Gordy and Motown reflect, what was out of this period that you remember the most? Michael: Which period was this now? Jessie: Kinda like this period of Gary, to the Regal Theatre, to Expo to meeting Gladys Knight, to going to Motown. From what about this period that stands out in your mind? Michael: This period for me which stands out is because I was so young around that time. I was like eight, eight or nine. I just remember the environment, what it was like, all the music I was hearing. My father played guitar. My uncle played guitar. Everyday they would come over, and you know they would play great music. And we would start to perform to the music. I remember seeing marching bands go down the street. I would remember the rhythm of the band and the beats of the drum. And every sound around me seem to record in my head and start making rhythms and dancing. I use to dance to the rhythm of the washing machine. My mother went to the corner store to wash the clothes. I would dance to the rhythm and people would crowd around. I remember those kind of stories. They would crowd around pretty much and watch me. Those kind of little things. They are reflections really. Jesse: Well, you remember you said that Jackie Wilson, and James Brown and Sammy Davis were heroes. Did you ever see them perform? Michael: Yes, of course I did and they were friends of mine. All these great artists. That’s why I was so lucky. I was just such a little kid, just looking up to these people. We were real catatonic, awestruck with their talent. Not only did I get to see it, but I got to see it close up right on the side curtain, on the side of the wings. I got to know these great artists. These were the best entertainers in the world. They were show stoppers. And I would have to go onstage after them, you know. It was amazing! ...更多笔录稍后再来
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-28 10:00:04 | 显示全部楼层
MICHAEL已经不只一次提到阴谋了 现在他又提到了 我希望他能让审判后让一切阴谋曝光。 那些还没意识到这其中真正有阴谋的人 该醒醒了!
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