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天涯海角 2013-7-23 14:13
天涯海角 2013-2-23 21:15
天涯海角 2012-10-27 09:31
snyang: 一直 都这样啊 没啥  不过这里确实N久没变过了
天涯海角 2012-10-13 18:24
Nancy2221 2012-7-3 21:37
天涯海角 2012-1-8 14:22
周薄蓝 2011-12-16 19:37
圣诞节快到了 Merry Christmas
Nancy2221 2011-8-8 12:09
snyang: Thanks for your appreciation.Whatever i do is what Michael tells me.So I keep that which has become a faith.
Now I'm acutally a common guy among so ma ...
I believe that both you and i have something in common or we can impossibly to talk to each other ln the very particular way as it seems that we have already known each other for a long time, talking like old firends,which makes me feel warm and comfortable.Actually we all common ,but if we can keep changing for the better,i also think it is enough.In my heart, you do possess an amazing personality and that is why i keep in touch with you from the very beginning until now.
Nancy2221 2011-8-7 10:09
snyang: To tell the truth Evangelion is more important than MJ for me,which tells me not to escape and have to face all in my front--it gives me power and cou ...
It is so great to know Evangelion is the man who has so significant a effect on you,which interests me so much.You really are a guy who always look at yourself in the mirror like Michael.Hey, you always do as Michael said,which is a very good point.I will always show my addmiration to you for what you have achieved and what you have done.The first song that i heard Mcihael sing is "Dirty Dianna".And from then one, i searched everywhere for his imfornation and the more i know about him, the more i love him.
Nancy2221 2011-8-5 13:11
snyang: 一时点错了,没来得及看就点提交了
It is so amazing a chance that we have met here and it may be the fate that may be offered by MJ him in the beautiful heaven."To learn understand and care others finally leads to know oneself best" is what Evangelion have said and it is worth being kept in our mind,which i also like.To be honest, i haven't seen the Cartoon you have mentioned here.But if i had had a chance ,i should have watched it.When i visited your home, i also heard the song "man in the mirror"sung by Michae.Is it your favourite?
Nancy2221 2011-8-5 12:10
snyang: 一时点错了,没来得及看就点提交了
Nancy2221 2011-8-4 16:28
Nancy2221 2011-8-4 16:26
snyang 2011-8-2 18:36
Yeah this website gives us a so womderful chance to meet each other and thanks to Michael to bring us together. ^o^
Through the communication we have we both get more than we want,which is can't be too great. To learn, understand and care others finally leads to know oneself best. That' what I've learned from Evangelion(a japanese cartoon which is my favourate and changed myself. You must have watched).From you,with respect,I learn more.
Nancy2221 2011-8-2 16:32
snyang: The reason why I wanna everything perfect is that I wish see all my potential,how great achievement could I get.As I said I didn't see through myself  ...
Though i am a perfectonist, yet through you i can know more about Michael,on the contrary,through Michael i can know more about you,which is so terrific.Haha, it is i who should be grateful to you,not you as you have given a better chance to know about the one i love so much!With curiosity about himself, Michael did exccuvate his potential as we all can see,but without doubt, he did lead a streeful life.He is forever one of the greatest  men who ever lived in the world and what makes me love him so much is his good personality that  he liked giving more than getting.You make me have a better understanding about the advantage that the perfectionist gain and with endless power, i am sure you will be a great one to the society,exspecially to your mother, to the ones you love and the ones who love you.I definitely feel so great to have met you here and to have been talking to you like a true menber of one big family.
Nancy2221 2011-8-1 16:54
snyang: Maybe you catch the point--we are both Virgo,who hope everything perfect.Perfectionists are those not only quest themself strickly but aloso ask other ...
The harm you have said about perfectioinists is absolutely right ,which i totally agree with according to what i have known about Michael.He always tried hard to make verything perfect and please the ones he loved,from which we all speculated the reasons why his health condition had always decreased,leading to his passing away so soon,which is not we we expect,but it did happen already.You are also a perfectionist like Michael and it is so great at this point,but just don't always be so exausted and confined.I still remember that you have ever told me that in order to make a well-prepared essay, you had ever worked late into mid-night.I thinik Michael is the only one to be blame for he had set a very bad example to you!
Nancy2221 2011-7-31 09:54
snyang: I feel stressed not for living by other's views, just for not letting them and me down.What I am afraid is the unpreditable future. I just wanna get w ...
It is exactly the thougtht that you won't let anybody down that makes you always feel stressful.Your words made me think of MJ who is also the one who always tried his best to please others ,exspecially the ones who love him and the ones he loved,which made him somehow ever depressed.To some extent, i can find something similar in your nature to his.In my heart,you are also a sincere one who is worthing making friends with.Very nice meeting you and talking to you!
Nancy2221 2011-7-29 14:41
snyang: There always has been a puzzle in my heart.Since I came to Guangzhou so many people see me as a big fish, but I know I havn't gotten a bit honor which ...
Don't always be so stressful,which will do a great deal harm to you including mental and phisical.I always warm myself not to live in the world of others,but in the world of my own since it is so easy to get hurt if what i have done goes in the opposite way that others do.The sincere word from the bottom of my heart for you is to be yourself no matter what happens.And no matter what happens as a member of MJ family, i will always be on your side for ever.You do be a good son, a good student,a good brother,a good citizen for you also have a noble heart.Just continue walking forward bravely and try to have the splendid future you expect.
Nancy2221 2011-7-28 19:48
snyang:    I should give in to you, it's so hard for me to select a single word to constructruct a simple message to reply. With your expect and wish I'd ...
Every single word coming out of your mouth and heart sounds fantasticly sweet.You are an excellent guy and be sure you will never let anybody down exspecially me.I am not the one you think highly of but very appreciate what you have said about me.Your English is so amazing at least in my mind and you are sure to accomplish more and improve yourself to be more outstanding.
Nancy2221 2011-7-27 13:55
snyang: Wth respect,thx for your support which woul make me work hard and walk bravely to my goals.
Sorry for not too much change in my space! Or in another w ...
If you really think my support is the true reason and encouragemnt that can push you to walk steadily toward the goal of your life, i will be much more willing to keep offering what you expect from my side.And there is no need to worry so much about the change happeing in your space or not,which i don't care about so much, since the present obligation for you is to achieve more knowlege from books and stimulate society in your university. I also feel extremely pleased to have met you here.Please keep on pursuing what you believe is priceless for future and you will succeed in gaining what you want if you don't give up.

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