Nancy2221: The harm you have said about perfectioinists is absolutely right ,which i totally agree with according to what i have known about Michael.He always tr ...
Nancy2221: It is exactly the thougtht that you won't let anybody down that makes you always feel stressful.Your words made me think of MJ who is also the one who ...
Nancy2221: Don't always be so stressful,which will do a great deal harm to you including mental and phisical.I always warm myself not to live in the world of oth ...
Nancy2221: Every single word coming out of your mouth and heart sounds fantasticly sweet.You are an excellent guy and be sure you will never let anybody down exs ...
Nancy2221: If you really think my support is the true reason and encouragemnt that can push you to walk steadily toward the goal of your life, i will be much mor ...
Nancy2221: 敢问先生为何没回复权限?我不懂得怎样用邮箱发视频.
Nancy2221: I have come to your home on purpose this time,but you happened not to be here.I have already gone throught all that has been left home ,enjoyed all th ...
Nancy2221: 你要下栽的是什么东东?
Nancy2221: 哎呀,不小心按错了键,便窜近来了.有点冒失~~!
Nancy2221: 亲,我之前存有的,可我刚才却找不着了,可能是电脑坏过一回,搞丢了!我气愤极了,既帮不了你,我自己也没得欣赏.
Nancy2221: Welcome home!
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