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迈迈在天堂 2011-8-4 07:39
Nancy2221 2011-8-3 20:31
Nancy2221 2011-8-3 19:22
迈迈在天堂 2011-8-2 18:25
snyang 2011-8-1 21:20
Nancy2221: The harm you have said about perfectioinists is absolutely right ,which i totally agree with according to what i have known about Michael.He always tr ...
The reason why I wanna everything perfect is that I wish see all my potential,how great achievement could I get.As I said I didn't see through myself fully,thus I always try my best to do so and try hard to know me.
For me the advantage perfictism brings me is that it gives me endless power to walk forward,whlie it also gives me more quests which press me.I think I could balance the two above.
Thx to talk with you about my inner thoughts, I get much lighter after telling you those.You help me a lot, I wish I could land you a hand in return in future~
snyang 2011-7-31 12:38
Nancy2221: It is exactly the thougtht that you won't let anybody down that makes you always feel stressful.Your words made me think of MJ who is also the one who ...
Maybe you catch the point--we are both Virgo,who hope everything perfect.Perfectionists are those not only quest themself strickly but aloso ask others work best. This may be harmful to these perfectionist.
There is no dout your very sincere couragement makes me feel so relax. I should be the one to thank you.
snyang 2011-7-29 20:21
Nancy2221: Don't always be so stressful,which will do a great deal harm to you including mental and phisical.I always warm myself not to live in the world of oth ...
I feel stressed not for living by other's views, just for not letting them and me down.What I am afraid is the unpreditable future. I just wanna get what I need.
Most of time I fight for my own quests, so I may understand the difficulty of this living style. But the faith and principles we hold can help us out of all troubles.From your very single I can feel your kindness and sincerity,which makes me so grateful. Whatever happens I'll be on your side. And hope you happy!
Nancy2221 2011-7-29 15:27
snyang 2011-7-28 20:00
Nancy2221: Every single word coming out of your mouth and heart sounds fantasticly sweet.You are an excellent guy and be sure you will never let anybody down exs ...
There always has been a puzzle in my heart.Since I came to Guangzhou so many people see me as a big fish, but I know I havn't gotten a bit honor which makes me feel pround.I always try hard, however victory has never been touched. In my opinion many students around me,especailly girls think too highly of me, which makes me feel stressed out. So what I hope is to achieve my goals. And so I will have no excuce to give in. Now I not just fight for myself but also for who I love and who I love me.
snyang 2011-7-27 22:25
Nancy2221: If you really think my support is the true reason and encouragemnt that can push you to walk steadily toward the goal of your life, i will be much mor ...
   I should give in to you, it's so hard for me to select a single word to constructruct a simple message to reply. With your expect and wish I'd not trapped by anything and not let you down!
投降了,不知道用英语怎么回了!又一个天才~亲才是最深藏不露、最谦虚的天才,还好以前没说过什么大话吧- -。来广州后我的英语就一直在被刺激着~Oh!太刺激了
frank_cx 2011-7-27 09:07
Nancy2221: 敢问先生为何没回复权限?我不懂得怎样用邮箱发视频.
snyang 2011-7-26 19:07
Nancy2221: I have come to your home on purpose this time,but you happened not to be here.I have already gone throught all that has been left home ,enjoyed all th ...
Wth respect,thx for your support which woul make me work hard and walk bravely to my goals.
Sorry for not too much change in my space! Or in another word,I am a lazy boy and not excel at expressing myself.
But I feel so happy and lucky to meet you.Big thanks!
frank_cx 2011-7-26 10:05
Nancy2221: 你要下栽的是什么东东?
frank_cx 2011-7-25 15:52
Nancy2221 2011-7-24 19:32
snyang 2011-7-20 19:11
那我也来踩踩 依旧是那个背景 依旧是那个醉人的头像
snyang 2011-7-18 22:19
Nancy2221: 哎呀,不小心按错了键,便窜近来了.有点冒失~~!
多好啊!好久没人进来了  包括自己
MJ灵动MM 2011-7-17 21:13
baiyan-nx 2011-7-14 21:33
Nancy2221: 亲,我之前存有的,可我刚才却找不着了,可能是电脑坏过一回,搞丢了!我气愤极了,既帮不了你,我自己也没得欣赏.
Cinthia 2011-7-1 02:41
Nancy2221: Welcome home!
Thank you. I feel better now.  really warm.

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