飘渺岛主 发表于 2006-5-17 18:52:03

独家放出: 杰克逊2000年亲笔之作 -- 安息日随想


作者:Michael Jackson   翻译:AllenKids




词曲:Michael Jackson

在一次谈话中,我的朋友Rabbi Shmuley告诉我他曾经要求他的一些同事——包括作家、思想家、艺术家,坦陈自己对安息日的思考。然后他建议我也写下自己对这个话题的看法,这是个引人入胜的题目而且其时刚好赶上Rose Fine的逝世,她是位犹太妇女,曾是我幸福童年时的家庭教师,在Jackson 5时期就是她陪伴着我和我的哥哥们各地巡演的。

上个星期五我参加了Rabbi Shmuley和他的家人、来宾在家中举行的安息日晚宴。我发现了一个特殊的举动,Shmuley和他的妻子把手放在自己的小孩们头顶,并祝福他们象Abrah am和Sarah一样成长,这是一个古老的犹太传统。这让我想起了自己的童年,还有安息日对我成长的意义。当人们看到八九岁的我出现在电视中并由此开始我一生的音乐生涯时,他们仅仅看到一个灿烂微笑的小男孩。他们认定这个小男孩之所以微笑是因为他很高兴,他之所以唱出心声是因为他很快乐,他之所以充满活力的舞蹈是因为他无忧无虑。






对我的成长来说星期天是神圣的,还有另外两个原因。它是我去教堂的日子,也是我最艰苦的彩排的日子。这看起来好像和“安息日的休息”相抵触。但是这是我所能耗费自己时间的最神圣的途径:进一步发展上帝赐与我的天赋。我所能表达感恩的最好的方式就是尽可能的利用天赐的才能。 教堂拥有自己的规则,这对我来说又是一个回到“平凡”生活的机会。教堂中的长者待我和每个人并没有什么不同。那些日子他们也从不为发现了我的行踪而挤满教堂后部的记者们恼火。他们试着欢迎记者们的到来。不管怎么说,记者也是上帝的子民。



在我生命中曾有过一段时间,象各位一样,怀疑过神的存在。当Prince微笑时,当Paris 咯咯大笑时,我就再无疑惑。孩子是神赐予我们的礼物。不……他们还不止如此……他们正是上帝能量、创造力和博爱的形式。他在孩子们的天真中被发现,在他们的嬉戏种被体验。


(迈克尔·杰克逊中文网 by Allen Kids 2006年5月17日)

罪恶尼古丁诱惑 发表于 2006-5-17 18:53:42


舒祖华 发表于 2006-5-17 18:57:12


duck 发表于 2006-5-17 19:21:05


mjjproductions 发表于 2006-5-17 19:26:57




飘渺岛主 发表于 2006-5-17 19:33:19

原帖由 duck 于 2006-5-17 19:21 发表


Angela_Jackson 发表于 2006-5-17 19:39:48


樱桃恋人 发表于 2006-5-17 19:39:51



美文? ????:wacko:wacko

...................:spaz:spaz'作家、思想家、艺术家' 迈迈就是!!!!!!!!!


诶...原来最平凡的生活,在迈迈的世界里,会是那样的神奇和迷人啊.... 哪天我也把自己打扮一下,然后步行在大街上,感受正常人的生活... :spaz:spaz:spaz 不知能否感受到那种 '神奇和迷人'?

不管怎么说,记者也是上帝的子民。   诶.....多么博大的胸怀啊.....

我想念朋友们,想念那些把我当作他们普通一份子的人们。纯粹的人们。与上帝共享一日的时光。诶....能把你当成普通人... 我怕是没有这么大的荣幸......




[ 本帖最后由 樱桃恋人 于 2006-5-17 20:08 编辑 ]

zwlpop 发表于 2006-5-17 19:44:25


duck 发表于 2006-5-17 19:53:29

原帖由 MkGenie 于 2006-5-17 19:33 发表



albertshi 发表于 2006-5-17 21:02:52


飘渺岛主 发表于 2006-5-17 21:06:36

My Childhood, My Sabbath, My Freedom         

Friday, 01 December 2000
This story first ran on Beliefnet in December, 2000.

"Have you seen my childhood?
I’m searching for that wonder in my youth
Like pirates in adventurous dreams,
Of conquest and kings on the throne…"

Written and Composed by Michael Jackson

In one of our conversations together, my friend Rabbi Shmuley told me that he had asked some of his colleagues–-writers, thinkers, and artists-–to pen their reflections on the Sabbath. He then suggested that I write down my own thoughts on the subject, a project I found intriguing and timely due to the recent death of Rose Fine, a Jewish woman who was my beloved childhood tutor and who traveled with me and my brothers when we were all in the Jackson Five.

Last Friday night I joined Rabbi Shmuley, his family, and their guests for the Sabbath dinner at their home. What I found especially moving was when Shmuley and his wife placed their hands on the heads of their young children, and blessed them to grow to be like Abraham and Sarah, which I understand is an ancient Jewish tradition. This led me to reminisce about my own childhood, and what the Sabbath meant to me growing up.

When people see the television appearances I made when I was a little boy--8 or 9 years old and just starting off my lifelong music career--they see a little boy with a big smile. They assume that this little boy is smiling because he is joyous, that he is singing his heart out because he is happy, and that he is dancing with an energy that never quits because he is carefree.

But while singing and dancing were, and undoubtedly remain, some of my greatest joys, at that time what I wanted more than anything else were the two things that make childhood the most wondrous years of life, namely, playtime and a feeling of freedom. The public at large has yet to really understand the pressures of childhood celebrity, which, while exciting, always exacts a very heavy price.

More than anything, I wished to be a normal little boy. I wanted to build tree houses and go to roller-skating parties. But very early on, this became impossible. I had to accept that my childhood would be different than most others. But that’s what always made me wonder what an ordinary childhood would be like.

There was one day a week, however, that I was able to escape the stages of Hollywood and the crowds of the concert hall. That day was the Sabbath. In all religions, the Sabbath is a day that allows and requires the faithful to step away from the everyday and focus on the exceptional. I learned something about the Jewish Sabbath in particular early on from Rose, and my friend Shmuley further clarified for me how, on the Jewish Sabbath, the everyday life tasks of cooking dinner, grocery shopping, and mowing the lawn are forbidden so that humanity may make the ordinary extraordinary and the natural miraculous. Even things like shopping or turning on lights are forbidden. On this day, the Sabbath, everyone in the world gets to stop being ordinary.

But what I wanted more than anything was to be ordinary. So, in my world, the Sabbath was the day I was able to step away from my unique life and glimpse the everyday.

Sundays were my day for "Pioneering," the term used for the missionary work that Jehovah’s Witnesses do. We would spend the day in the suburbs of Southern California, going door to door or making the rounds of a shopping mall, distributing our Watchtower magazine. I continued my pioneering work for years and years after my career had been launched.

Up to 1991, the time of my Dangerous tour, I would don my disguise of fat suit, wig, beard, and glasses and head off to live in the land of everyday America, visiting shopping plazas and tract homes in the suburbs. I loved to set foot in all those houses and catch sight of the shag rugs and La-Z-Boy armchairs with kids playing Monopoly and grandmas baby-sitting and all those wonderfully ordinary and, to me, magical scenes of life. Many, I know, would argue that these things seem like no big deal. But to me they were positively fascinating.

The funny thing is, no adults ever suspected who this strange bearded man was. But the children, with their extra intuition, knew right away. Like the Pied Piper of Hamlin, I would find myself trailed by eight or nine children by my second round of the shopping mall. They would follow and whisper and giggle, but they wouldn't reveal my secret to their parents. They were my little aides. Hey, maybe you bought a magazine from me. Now you’re wondering, right?

Sundays were sacred for two other reasons as I was growing up. They were both the day that I attended church and the day that I spent rehearsing my hardest. This may seem against the idea of "rest on the Sabbath," but it was the most sacred way I could spend my time: developing the talents that God gave me. The best way I can imagine to show my thanks is to make the very most of the gift that God gave me.

Church was a treat in its own right. It was again a chance for me to be "normal." The church elders treated me the same as they treated everyone else. And they never became annoyed on the days that the back of the church filled with reporters who had discovered my whereabouts. They tried to welcome them in. After all, even reporters are the children of God.

When I was young, my whole family attended church together in Indiana. As we grew older, this became difficult, and my remarkable and truly saintly mother would sometimes end up there on her own. When circumstances made it increasingly complex for me to attend, I was comforted by the belief that God exists in my heart, and in music and in beauty, not only in a building. But I still miss the sense of community that I felt there--I miss the friends and the people who treated me like I was simply one of them. Simply human. Sharing a day with God.

When I became a father, my whole sense of God and the Sabbath was redefined. When I look into the eyes of my son, Prince, and daughter, Paris, I see miracles and I see beauty. Every single day becomes the Sabbath. Having children allows me to enter this magical and holy world every moment of every day. I see God through my children. I speak to God through my children. I am humbled for the blessings He has given me.

There have been times in my life when I, like everyone, has had to wonder about God’s existence. When Prince smiles, when Paris giggles, I have no doubts. Children are God's gift to us. No--they are more than that--they are the very form of God's energy and creativity and love. He is to be found in their innocence, experienced in their playfulness.

My most precious days as a child were those Sundays when I was able to be free. That is what the Sabbath has always been for me. A day of freedom. Now I find this freedom and magic every day in my role as a father. The amazing thing is, we all have the ability to make every day the precious day that is the Sabbath. And we do this by rededicating ourselves to the wonders of childhood. We do this by giving over our entire heart and mind to the little people we call son and daughter. The time we spend with them is the Sabbath. The place we spend it is called Paradise.

刘昉珺 发表于 2006-5-17 22:03:16


[ 本帖最后由 刘昉珺 于 2006-5-17 22:06 编辑 ]

brittanymj 发表于 2006-5-17 22:26:44


虎虎虎 发表于 2006-5-18 03:42:47

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